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Was it hours or days? Everything was dark. No windows to give me an idea of time passing. It was cold. I shivered in the thin gown I had been put in, it offered no warmth, my wrists hurt, I could feel the cuffs cutting into my skin, I had long ago lost any energy to heal myself. I could only hang there, chin against my chest, eyeing the tangles of my long hair that draped down like thick curtains. My stomach ached from lack of food, I almost laugh at the thought, of course Gaster had given me hardly any food, he wanted me weak. Weak meant he could control me. "He had controlled me," I mumble the words into the quiet darkness, no one responds. Who would I'm alone here! I couldn't cry anymore, my tears were lost long ago as was my hope of getting out of here, maybe I'll die. Maybe I am dying right now. Everything is kind of fuzzy and getting darker, sounds are muffled.... wait sounds? Everything had been silent so what was that crash? I try to blink out the murkiness, was that a rush of footsteps, oh god is Gaster back? Or Chara! No I couldn't take much more of their torture, I'd rather just die.

I huddle into as tight a ball as I could, considering my arms are held up by the chains. There are definite footsteps, heavy slaps of booted feet, they seem to be rushing about. Listening to it I start to realise they don't sound like the sharp tap of Gaster's polished shoes, or the rubber squeak of Chara's pumps. Sadly the footsteps seem to be getting further away, a sigh escapes me. Maybe I imagined them?

"FRISK!" a voice calls out in the distance, I become very still, I have to be imagining it, it can't be possible, the footsteps can be heard again, someone is definitely running, "FRISK!" it can't be him he never calls me Frisk... "Please Frisk if you can hear me call out!" his voice pleads, hope bubbles up within me fragile like glass,

"G?" I somehow croak out, my throat still raw from having screamed in pain for hours, the footsteps are louder now, more urgent. They come slamming to a stop somewhere in front of me and I hear the rushed intake of air as whoever stood there gasps. I'm too afraid to look up, too afraid to hope, I feel it shudder through me shaking me more than the cold. Slowly familiar booted feet step into my view, chains are broken and my arms drop weakly to my sides, I finally look up and a sob escapes my throat, "G..." he drops to his knees in front of me and pulls me into his arms,

"Please forgive me," he let's out in a pained whisper, my mind can't even begin to question why he's asking me to forgive him, I begin to shake harder, tears that I thought had run dry building up and falling, I wrap my arms around him as I shudder with distress,

"I'm sorry G, I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about sweetheart," he whispers holding me tightly,

"I...I couldn't stay strong, I c..couldn't stay determined," I sob out, "he made m..me do it," I cry,

"What did he make you do?" he pulls back, holding my face in his hands, I thought I would see anger on his face but all I see is concern and what could possibly be fear,

"He made me perform the s..spell," I hiccup, "he's too s..strong now, I've made him u..uns..stoppable," 

"No one is unstoppable," he says to me softly wiping away my tears gently, "do you know how long he's been gone?" I shake my head, "Okay, let's get you out of here," he scoops me up in his arms and we sort of just stay in the same spot for a moment, "well, seems we are going to have to take the long way out kitten," he frowns, "something is stopping me teleporting out,"

"How did you get here?" I ask, sniffling still but starting to calm down as I grip onto his leather jacket,

"Well it looks like I can teleport into the underground, just not out, in fact it seems to be putting a dampener on my magic altogether," he sighs with evident annoyance,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now