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Papy is alive, my little brother is alive? Part of me didn't want to listen to her words, this woman who didn't flinch in the face of my anger, this woman who was calling Papyrus her best friend, this women who infuriates me and interests me to no end "...so you can either believe me or not I don't care, but I'm telling you the damn truth, your brother is alive!" her own anger showed me her words were true, but part of me still doesn't want to believe her, it's fighting what I saw that night. Tears that I have been forcing down since that day rise, unable to be stopped. An annoyed sigh huffs out of her and she turns to step away. With panic I swiftly grab her wrist stopping her from leaving, she glares down at me but I watch as it fades quickly,  "G..." her voice is suddenly soft as she gazes at me. I pull her down, wrapping my arms around her as my body shakes with the emotions I had held in for months, I feel her relax into the embrace and then return it, "It's okay," she soothes, "You will see him tomorrow, I promise," her hand rubs my back gently, comfortingly. I hold onto her tighter, letting it all out.  


The smell and sounds of bacon cooking, along with bright sunlight make me realise I must have fell asleep as I clung to her crying last night, I cover my face with my hand, well that's just embarrassing, now I look weak. Sitting up I find a blanket tumbling off me, a shadow of a smile flickers across my face, did she place this on me last night?

"You're awake!" I look over to the small kitchenette, she's stood wearing a ridiculous frilly and  bright pink apron, while scooping bacon and eggs out of a large frying pan onto two plates, I burst out laughing. "Yeah, yeah laugh it up," she snips while brandishing a spatula in my direction, "Undyne finds it hilarious to leave these things in the safe houses, I keep changing them, but low and behold she switches it behind my back again," this just makes me laugh harder as she grins at me, "come on, it's going to get cold and I am not cooking more, this is a once in a life time treat you're getting," she places the filled plates on the table, "I rarely cook for anyone other than myself and my very best friends," I get up and join her at the table, 

"Planning on feeding an army?" I chuckle at the pile of eggs and bacon on the plates,

"After eating what that prison deemed appropriate food," she shrugs, "I wanted to gorge, plus from what Paps has told me you have quite the appetite, OH!" she suddenly bounces back to her feet rushing over to one of the cabinets, she returns just as quickly slamming a large bottle of ketchup on the table and looking quite proud of herself, "He also said you liked ketchup," I smile as she sit back down, 

"Sweetheart you sure you've not fallen for me? All these sweet gestures..." she glares at me, "You're meeting all my standards," I smirk, using a line that I know Paps would, she bursts out laughing, I grin before taking the ketchup and squeezing a good amount on the food, she watches me curiously, "you look like your holding onto a question,"

"Paps told me you used to drink ketchup, is that true?" 

"Yeah," I shrug, "before we came to the surface, then I found myself leaning more towards a good beer," she rolls her eyes at me, "but every now and then, I do indulge myself," I wink at her before talking a good gulp of the sauce, she giggles and shakes her head before continuing eating. We ate our breakfast, she even made me seconds despite claiming she wouldn't be cooking more, such a sweetie, before we headed out. Her wristband still didn't say she was up to 100% but she argued that in a few hours it would be and that she wanted to see Paps face when he saw me, I couldn't argue with that, I really wanted to see him, I needed to see him.

She slips onto the bike behind me, "Keep it to the speed limit," she warns placing her arms loosely around me, this won't do, I start up the bike with a grin,

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