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We had been travelling in a pickup with tinted out windows, G and Paps were talking or rather arguing which was better, Mettaton's numerous TV shows or Napstablook's music, I chose to stay out of it. I just sit in the back reading through another book on magic, it's kind of old and smells, but it's interesting. I honestly don't know where Alphys finds these books. "Hungry sweetheart?" G asks turning around to look at me,

"I could eat," I nod, it was late afternoon and we hadn't eaten since breakfast, "we getting close to our first stop?"

"ABOUT THREE MORE HOURS TO GO!" Paps announces, he's driving, we had previously decided we would take turns, but Paps ended up insisting on driving all day! 

"Then let's definitely get food," I smile, G starts to direct Paps to a highway restaurant. Before we head in G pulls on a baseball cap and I throw on a pair of glasses, yeah they pretty bad disguises but it should be enough to not draw too much attention. I go to order us some food while G and Paps find a secluded booth in the small roadside diner, 

"Well ain't you just a pretty little thing," a voice says behind me, I glance around to find two identical men who pretty much tower over me which isn't hard considering I'm kind of short, they grin at me, at least I think they do, it's hard to tell with the masses of beard hair, I give them a small polite smile before turning back to pay for the food, "you here alone cutie, if you'd like, why don't you join me and my brother? There are some unsavoury sorts in here today," I frown up at him,

"That's okay, I can take care of myself,"  I respond,

"Don't be like that sweetie," the other one says, 

"Come eat with us cutie," ugh the nicknames make me sick, it's completely different than when G uses nicknames

"Sorry but no, I've got company," I nod towards the booth the skeleton brothers are sitting in, G catches me looking over and his gaze darkens once he sees the two men,

"Oh sweetie you don't want to be hanging around that sort," 

"Yeah cutie, I don't know what they've promised you.."

"I'm sorry, what is that supposed to mean?" I glare up at them,

"Sweetie, they're monsters," he sighs at me, 

"I know," I smile while still glaring, "I have eyes," 

"Look, we're only trying to help," the one who calls me sweetie places a hand on my shoulder,

"Yeah, it's not safe with them," the one who calls me cutie places his hand on my other shoulder, I sigh,

"I'm going to politely suggest you remove your hands from me," I say smiling innocently, "because I'm really hungry and would like to eat rather than get kicked out of here,"

"If you're scared of the two monsters, we'll protect you sweetie," I fight the urge to roll my eyes, I look over at the brothers, Paps looks concerned and I can tell he wants to come over here, G is stopping him while smirking, 

"I'm not scared of them," I respond, "in fact I'm rather fond of them," their grips tighten slightly, and I spot the look of disgust flicker across their faces before they paste big grins on,

"Miss your food is ready," a small voice says behind me, I turn my head to the waitress,

"Thank you, and I'm sorry about this but it seems I might have to make a scene," I turn back the men, "unless these gentlemen unhand me that is,"

"Cutie we just want you to stick with your own, those monsters.."

"Aren't who you should be afraid off," I chuckle and step closer to them, "they could come over here to, knowing them 'protect my honour' except they also know I can take care of myself, I'm pretty sure one of them enjoys it," I shake my head still chuckling, "So fella's" I grip their hands, "time to let me go yeah?" my hands glow orange and I pull them off me,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now