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I walked quickly through the wide corridors, the sooner I can get to my room the sooner I can be done with this ridiculous dress I was forced to wear for 'Royal appearances' god I hated it, well at least I think I hated it. Emotions were hard to pinpoint these days. Many servants and staff bolted from my sight out of fear, I may have once found this amusing, now I felt nothing. It was getting old. Feeling nothing, everything was just numb. Should I be worried, perhaps, but alas, I hardly ever feel anything unless I connect to Frisk. I somewhat feel a smile stretch across my face, I had been told my smile always came across as sinister. Not that I care. Frisk, it was fun to torment her, plus dipping into her mind always made my day more entertaining. She hardly ever knew I was there which was even better. Although she was always with that betraying, abandoning bag of bones, she actually likes him! Earlier was fun, if only she had let me take control I could have had even more fun. It had been too long since I felt the life of someone bleed out, no I was stuck here at the damn capitol, told to behave, ack, I'm bored! 

I slam the door shut once inside and practically rip the dress off before throwing myself onto the bed, sleep was probably a must have but that meant dreaming and I really wasn't in the mood for those, I could go another day without sleep but... my thoughts are suddenly halted by a quiet voice stuttering across my mind, 

'Chara?' I grin, well well well, this is a first, Frisk reaching out to me, I should respond. 

                                    'Yeah sissy?' I had always called her that, ever since we were little, 

'Have you ever died?' her question catches me slightly off guard, why would she be asking me this, unless, 

                                   'Did something happen?' Uhh I actually sound concerned, I shouldn't, I feel nothing after all. 

'You could say that,' her response comes back. I sit up on my bed and frown, 

                                    'You gonna tell me or do I have to route around in that mind of yours?' I hear her mentally sigh at me,

'I think I died tonight,' 

                                   'You think..' 

'Look I don't understand it okay, I'm trying to but it just makes no sense!' she sounds annoyed, I chuckle,

                                  'Chill sissy, don't get your panties in a twist, just snuggle up with your boyfriend there and calm yourself,'

'He is not my boyfriend,' she practically hisses at me, I don't say a thing, I mean come on! She can't keep denying she likes the idiot, I don't understand how or why she does but even I can sense her feelings towards the guy, 'can you just tell me if you have or not?' I'm silent for a little while longer, mainly because I'm trying to figure out why she would come to me about this, 'fine never mind!' I feel her start to pull away,

                                'Yes,' I respond, I don't want her to leave just yet. The connection feels nice, I don't like to feel emotions but I like it when she's close, it's confusing and I won't stay connected very long because then I will really start feeling and after switching places with her, I didn't want to feel that much again, the guilt...

'But you're alive,' her voice flutters in my mind,

                               'Yes I am, bet you wish that were different though,' I respond with spite,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now