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A/N - quick note to warn, this chapter briefly mentions subjects that are of a sensitive nature which my trigger some people, please remember that this is only fiction x


I became more closed off since that day G and I spoke about my eyes, he noticed too. Not that I particularly cared, he would now sit with me periodically, with that ridiculous smirk and tease me from time to time. Others had started to watch me and G watched them, but I shrugged it off. No one had made a move so I wasn't going to worry. I kept my focus on getting to the end of each week, when we could make one five minute phone call. A phone call which I noticed G never took.

"No one to call sweetheart," he had responded when I enquired one night after my curiosity demanded to know, 

"No family?"

"Heh, other than my so called father," he had replied, venom lacing his words, "I lost what was important to me," I could feel the emotion he let slip into his voice, but when I had looked at him he visibly shook himself and turned back to me with his usual smirk, "What about you? Family?"

"I don't call my family, I call a...friend, she passes on messages, family is complicated I suppose," I had heard him shift, he looked interested, "I don't see my birth parents anymore, not in a long time," I had shuddered at the memory of them, "You could say I was adopted a couple of years ago," warmth had filled me at that memory, "So I have a mom who cares about me more than she probably should. Other than that, I do have a sister, I wish I didn't though" he had questioned that, but I had shaken my head and refused to continue.

It was close to the end of the month, I sat pushing the food around on my plate as he sat down across from me, he was quiet for a moment,

"So sweetheart, you going to be having any visitors this Friday?" he asks, I look up at him curiously, hes looking around frowning,

"Actually, yeah," I raise an eyebrow at him as he returns my gaze,

"Boyfriend?" he smirks, 

"God no,"

"Girlfriend?" his tone of voice picks up suggestively,

"No!" a laugh escapes me causing people to look over at us, "Just a...colleague,"

"Like the 'friend' you talk to on your calls?" he enquires with curiosity, I shrug and nod, he doesn't really need to know the details, not like it matters to him, "Listen sweetheart I've been hearing things around," I cock my head to the side, "maybe you should stick with me today," he sounds, concerned?

"Why?" I ask frowning, is this some sort of prank, he's constantly toying with me so it's hard to tell,

"People are just being shifty, and it's making me mighty uncomfortable," he shrugs, 

"Okay," I respond slowly, I pat his arm, "I'm sure it will be fine, I'm very capable of looking after myself," I smirk at him,

"I'm being serious doll face," uh oh, I bite the inside of my mouth to stop the chuckle, I've figured out he calls me doll face when he starts to get irritated with me, other times its just sweetheart, annoying both times, 

"You never use my name," I suddenly point out, an attempt at diverting our present conversation,

"You don't like my endearing nicknames?" he jokes, 

"No, no I don't, don't particularly find them endearing, especially doll face," I smile as he laughs, I like his laugh, its deep and filled with genuine joy. Not that I will admit that out loud, "Plus to find them endearing, I'd have to have some sort of emotion towards you other than dislike and disgust," he grins at me,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now