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I'm so confused, like what the hell is going on I don't understand. He damn well kissed me again, and I didn't push him away, I should have pushed him away, but I didn't, why? Because you liked it, I shake that thought away, no, I didn't like it! Yeah keep telling yourself that, I groan and drop my head on my knees which I had pulled up to my chest, "You okay sweetheart?" G asks sat beside me, we are in our unit, he's watching the TV while I have a silent mental breakdown,

"I'm fi.." I'm unable to finish my sentence as my mind is suddenly filled with giggles, I gasp and sit up only suddenly to be somewhere else? I blink rapidly, someone is talking to me,

"Child?" the deep voice enquires, but I'm momentarily stunned, everything feels odd, muted. Like I can feel the dress that's draped over my form but I don't feel it's texture, it's more like I feel the pressure of it against me, I look around and gape, how? I'm in the castle, "Chara?" I look up and my eyes widen when I find Asgore towering over me, 

"I do believe your majesty that Chara currently isn't with us," a familiar sickening voice says, I glance to Asgore's side to see the grinning bastard, strange I thought I would feel afraid, instead I feel, nothing, "Hello again Frisk," his smile widens as I glare at him,

"What the hell is going on?" I demand,

"I would like to know the same thing," Asgore looks down at Gaster,

"Well Chara did say she would find out the resistance's location sir," Gaster chuckles, 

"What?" I frown, 

"That's where you just were yes," Gaster steps forward, 

"I don't have time for this, Gaster watch her, do not let her out of your sight," I'm a little shocked Asgore just walks off, I mean I am someone he's been hunting down, he wants me dead. But I guess I'm technically not Frisk right now but Chara, Gaster places his hand on my arm and pulls me along, I frown I hardly feel it, is this how Chara sees and experiences the world, it's so empty..

"I do wonder, just what Chara is doing, maybe she's having a little fun.." Gaster pulls me from my thoughts, 

"Maybe she's feeling something," I suggest and smile as he gives me a curious look, "what's the matter Gaster, curious?" I laugh,

"I always am, though I will find out later from Chara what you mean, right now I'd like to know how you escaped,"

"Your incompetence, I mean come on, you kidnap a girl and take her to the same place you previously kidnapped and took her to," I smirk as he glares at me, "not very smart of you was it," in the next second I'm slammed against the wall, my smirk deepens, "you can't hurt me Gaster, not like this," I find myself beginning to laugh, it sounds a tad hysterical, "you really want to kill me right now, but you can't because it won't kill me, what would your King say if you killed his precious little murderer, I do wonder, does he even feel anything, any guilt, she killed Toriel, someone he claimed to love, and she tried to kill Az, she failed there," I grin, "I stopped that, just like I'm going to stop it all," I can't stop laughing, he physically throws me away from him, I land, roll and bounce to my feet, "what's wrong Gaster, am I irritating you?" he growls at me and raises his hand, most likely to use an ability he cloned from me but I place a knife to my throat, of course Chara had one hidden in the pockets of this horrid dress, "Ah ah ah, not a move, because I'm not afraid to cut her throat,"

"You would kill you're only sister?" he asks curiously, I shrug before responding,

"Right now, yeah, I don't feel a damn thing."

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now