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After two days my strength has slowly come back, I sit eating lunch alone, just staring at the empty chair across from me, 

"He will only be in the pit for a week at most," a voice beside me says, I look up to see Chase, the lizard man who has been the only kind face these past two days, 

"I know but he may not even speak to me once he's back out," if what he said was right, that his brother died during that last raid, I was so sure we got everyone, but even I have to admit I was on edge the whole time, I was so focused on getting my best friend out of that horrid place, he almost died, hell he should have died, it was only through my DETERMINATION and my friends he was still pushing through, god I miss his laughter, the stories he would tell me and how he would lovingly tell me about his lazy brother, he was adamant that I had to meet him one day, 

"Frisk he wanted to apologise to you," Chase reminds me for the umpteenth time, I smile, I just don't know whatever to believe it, G was so angry. He had every right to be. I have to make this up to him somehow, I will find a way!


Two more days had passed and I was waiting to use the phone. Finnally I keyed in the number I knew by heart,

"H..hello?" the shy voice on the other end made me smile,

"Hey Al," 

"F...f..frisk!" I hear her take a few deep breaths, "I'm s..so glad you r..rang!" she sounds excited, "W..w..we finished t.t..the project!"

"Your taking to long!" a voice yells in the background, "Give me the phone!" 

"U..undyne!" I chuckle as I hear a tousle for the phone, then everything is silent,

"Guys?" nothing, "are you two smooching?" I hear Alphys gasp and Undyne laugh loudly,

"I win, Yo punk!" she practically yells down the phone, 

"Dude key it down, if you got anything to say I don't want everyone my end hearing it,"

"Crap you're right, hang on I'm putting you of speaker so we can both hear,"

"N..no Undyne its t..that button!"  

"Okay punk you still hear us?"

"Loud and clear," I chuckle,

"Alright so the project is finished, we just need one last thing, you. You ready to get out of that hell hole and become a felon on the run?"


"One week,"

"Okay, but not just me,"

"What do you mean punk, you find yourself a boyfriend?" I could hear her excited interest,

"No, just a," I pause what was he to me, "A friend?"

"You don't sound so sure there..."

"W..who is i...it F..frisk?" Alphys enquires cutting Undyne off,

"Renegade," I say, their silence unnerves me, 

"You want G out too?" Undyne says slowly,

"Yes," everything goes quiet again, I'm worried they will say no. I understand G is dangerous and we may not be able to trust him completely. But I owe him, more ways than one, Undyne was the one who handed me those reports that brought him to my attention. I used him, and in the process he lost someone he cared about. After an agonising silence Undyne finally speaks again,

"And your just 'friends' huh," I hear their chuckles, I realise they are starting to assume something,

"Guys stop, don't even start..."

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now