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She insisted on walking herself, though she can hardly keep herself upright. Asriel healed her once we got to the castle and though she woke up she was still low on the energy front, "Take it slowly sweetheart, you've used up a lot of energy," she grips onto my arm as she stumbles again,

"I know," she sighs, "I used up a lot of magical energy with all the resets," she glances up at me, "doesn't mean I'm about to let you carry me," I chuckle as she blushes lightly, "just help me walk okay,"

"With pleasure," I smirk down at her and she rolls her eyes, "I do have a question though, how do you know where you're going?"

"She made sure to imprint the mental image in my head," she responds looking down, "I don't know what she's left though," we continue on in silence, eventually getting the the bedroom that had belonged to her sister. We head inside to find a very neat and tidy room, "You look in that drawer, I'll check this one," Frisk tells me and we both start looking, "nothing," she turns to me, I pull out two disks, one was labelled 'For my Asriel' the other was labelled 'Confession' her eyes widen, "no..."

"Only one way to find out, let's go find Asriel," I take her hand and we head back to the main hall we left him in. But once we get there we are confronted by the police, guns aimed at us, "What's going on?" I ask raising my hands in the air,

"Down on the ground both of you!" one of the officers yells,

"I've been trying to explain..." Asriel starts, sounding annoyed but he's cut off by the officer,

"No offence your highness, but these two are convicted felons and they escaped a high security prison,"

"Um, Asriel, we found these in Chara's room," I use my aura to send the disks to him, he glances at them before turning to the officer,

"You will want to see this," he holds out one of the disks, "I'm going to insist," after much grumbling, and being forced to wear cuffs I was sat beside Frisk on a small sofa in a lounge that apparently Asriel and Chara used to use often, three of the police officers have joined us, and Undyne turned up out of nowhere. Asriel puts the disk in the DVD player.


I press my shoulder against G's side as Asriel plays the disk, G looks down at me before giving me a quick kiss on top of my head, we both turn our attention to the television screen where an image of Chara appears. She looks down before letting out a sigh, "Let the record know, that this is a confession, Frisk Mercy is innocent of the crimes she is accused of, I am the one who committed the murders, I admit this of my own free will, I used the fact we are twins and close enough in looks to pass the blame on her, if you need more proof, look in my diary, I documented each target, and set out a plan for each attack. Frisk, if you're watching this I'm sorry, I probably won't be me the next time we speak, I'm just glad I was able to warn you of the raid, I hope that you can forgive me for what I've put you through and what I'm likely to make you deal with next." The video goes dead with static, I feel slightly numb, I still wasn't ready to accept she was dead even after everything she had done, she had still been my sister and I have loved her. Everyone is silent for a moment before one of the officers removes my cuffs,

"We'll get the evidence sent to the right people, we are going to need that diary," he informs, Asriel nods, I rub my wrists but then turn to G suddenly realising, they are still going to take him away,

"Don't worry sweetheart, it will be okay," he says smiling softly at me, I shake my head as they pull him up,

"Wait!" I jump to my feet,

"Miss we have to take him in," an officer attempts to hold me back,

"Kitten it's okay," G says, "don't fight this,"

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now