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A/N - The following chapter involves a conversation on a sensitive subject and a suggestive scene that may trigger some readers. I apologise now if this causes any distress.


She has been on the med ward for three days! I've already caused four women to burst into hysterical tears, and had just demoralised some weak little idiot when she dropped into the chair across from me and put her head on the table. It took me a moment to fully realise I wasn't imagining it,

"Sweetheart are you okay?" the concern was evident in my voice, and I hated it, she grumbled, "I didn't quite hear that,"

"Don't be nice to me," she repeats turning her head to the side, "I feel like I have hangover, but ten times worse, I feel like I've been hit by a bus,"

"Are you even old enough to drink?" I enquire, suddenly curious as to how old she actually is,

"In some parts of the world," she responds glancing up at my unamused face, she sighs and sits up straight, "I'm eighteen," 

"You're a baby," I chuckle earning a glare, "How are you feeling, other than like you have been hit by a bus,"

"Drained," she answers then adds quietly, "Annoyingly weak," 

"Don't fret sweetheart, I'll watch your back," I promise,

"Why?" she asks confused, "I don't know why you're nice to me..."

"What can I say, you've grown on me a little, besides, who would entertain me if you were gone?" I smirk, she rolls her eyes at me but a small smile plays at her lips. We sit quietly for a while, she's constantly glancing around,

"Everyone seems to be giving you a lot of space today," she notes, the tables that surround ours are empty, everyone has squeezed onto the furthest away tables possible,

"I haven't a clue why," I lie, I believe she spots it but doesn't push, "I was wondering," her eyes turn to me, questioningly, "How is it you know Gaster?" I almost hit myself as I watch fear flood through her, she starts to visibly shake, tears threatening to spill from her ruby eyes,

"I..I ca..."

"Shush, it's okay, you don't need to talk about it," I take her hand gently, "I'm sorry I brought it up, I shouldn't have," I give it a squeeze, "I won't do it again," she lets out a shuddering breath,

"It's not that, I just, i..its hard to t..talk about," she turns her gaze down,

"I understand," I tell her, trying to put feeling into it, because I really do understand, I can see she has suffered because of that monster, I know exactly how it feels.

"All inmates are to return to their cells, yard time has been put off for today," an announcement rang out, she gives me a confused look, I shrug and pull her to her feet. Together we walk back to our cells,

"What's happening?" I ask the guard who locks my cell door, this one is the one who usually brings me cigarettes,

"Apparently there is some royal visitors," he tells me quickly, "Not sure why they would want to come here though,"

"Maybe they want to gaze lovingly at me," I joke, he just frowns at me but I can hear her tinkling laugh and that's all that mattered. 

It was perhaps an hour later, we had been talking about the dent in my wall when we heard the voices,

"Your highness I'm not sure you should be down here," a timid voice suggests,

"I only want a peek," a female voice pouts,

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