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A/N - So fun fact, this was supposed to be like a Halloween special kind of chapter, since originally, I hadn't planned for this to be part of the story. But yesterday I was sooooo wiped out due to having been up till an ungodly hour making a reaper hood... all because someone wanted to dress up as reaper sans, let's just say I'm not the only one in my house obsessed with Undertale XD. Either way, I'm still throwing this in! So, in the spirit of the witch's new year let's have a nice little special... Kind off... Lol


We left the camera room, I couldn't keep staring at those screens, plus he had gone now and if there was anyone else out there the motion detectors would let us know. G had his arm slung over my shoulders as we headed to find the others, I couldn't help but wonder why he does that, I want to believe he might actually feel the same way I do, but that's just a dream. We enter the small communal room, which is pretty much just a large living/lounge area, this base wasn't set up to handle more than around ten people at any one time, Undyne is arranging cushions and blankets around one of the televisions, Alphys is trying to balance a stack of DVD's as they walk across the room and Paps and Asriel are placing snacks and drinks on a small coffee table, "What's going on?" G asks, they all look to us, they pause looking over how G is holding me against him, I feel my face burn when Undyne smirks,

"We're still waiting on reports from everyone so to pass the time we figured we could have a movie night," Undyne informs,

"Y..yes, we are going to w..watch some h..h..horrror movies," Alphys smiles nervously, I know she's uncomfortable with them,

"Let's get started punks!" Undyne shouts and jumps onto a large beanbag, she pulls Alphys down onto her lap once a DVD has been put on, I get comfortable on some cushions and G sets himself down next to me.

Hours later and everyone except Alphys and myself are asleep, "sorry about Undyne Frisk," Alphys whispers, Undyne had been nudging me half the night and every time I looked her way she would either whisper 'I ship it' or wiggle her eyebrows because G had rested his arm around me again,

"It's okay," I give a little smile and a shrug, "do you want to watch some anime to take your mind off the movies, so you can sleep?" she gives me a huge relieved smile and dashes over to change the DVD, I chuckle, we end up watching some mew mew kissy cutie before a quiet bleeping interrupts us, I glance at Alphys and she frowns worriedly, "is that the motion detector?" she nods. We decide to go check it out, getting up is a task for myself though, seeing as G has decided to fall asleep with his head in my lap, dork, I manage to get up without waking him and we hurry to the camera room.

"W.w...what am I seeing h..here!" Alphys stutters with fear, on the screens we can see cameras picking up a number of people in long black cloaks, I flip a switch to turn on the speakers and suddenly we hear chanting, "oh no, w..what's going on?" Alphys grabs my arm, she's shaking with fright,

"It's okay Al, it's just the local cult," I sigh with slight annoyance, "I didn't think he would come back," I add on in a mutter,


"Dammit why can't he just stay away!" I growl angrily staring at the screens, one of the cloaked people has a large wooden cross around their neck,

"F..Frisk?" Alphys sounds concerned, but I'm suddenly fighting a rising surge of anger, oh no.... oh no no no! I grip onto the desk in front of me,

"Al....get....G!" I say though gritted teeth and give her a pleading look, "quick!" I'm trying to hold it together but it seems impossible, my vision blurs momentarily and I feel a manic cackle bubble out of my throat, NO!

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now