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I put down the book and rubbed my eyes. It had been a few hours since we got to main base. Paps had run off with me so I didn't have to talk to Undyne because we both knew she would have questions and we both knew I wasn't ready for that, not yet. It had taken all I could to talk to Paps, G had walked into the rooms that belonged to Paps to find me crying and being hugged by Paps, they had argued a bit about why I was crying, G accusing Paps of making me cry, Paps getting annoyed at the very idea of making me cry, it made me giggle and Alphys who had been behind G had to push into the room. Obviously she had guided him here, we did kind of leave him without any directions. After that she had given me a bunch of books on wizards and some even went into some details of spells. I had immediately began reading, Paps then went to show G around the facility after they both questioned me a dozen times if I would be alright on my own. Paps had returned a while ago, he told me G was with Alphys and would be back much later, he then went to bed leaving me in the main room alone again, I should probably go to bed, but the thought of being alone to worry about my dreams wasn't all that appealing, "Maybe I will just keep reading until I fall asleep on the sofa," I mutter to myself pulling my knees up to my chest. The door suddenly opens and G walks in, he pauses when he sees me,

"Hey," he smiles slightly, "where's Papy?"

"He went to bed a while ago, I kinda got carried away reading," I shrug and get to my feet, "I should go to bed," I point at one of the three doors behind the sofa I had been sitting on, "Paps set up a room for you a long time back," we both look at the door clearly marked, 'Sans' and chuckle, "Well goodnight," I pick up my books and attempt to head to my room which is situated on the other side of Paps from G's, but he stops me,

"You going to be okay?" he asks, I hesitate, how am I supposed to answer that? "Come on, you can stay with me," he starts pulling me to his room,


"I'll allow you to cuddle me like a teddy bear," he winks, I roll my eyes,

"I'll be fine on my own thanks," 

"Will you?" he stops, hand on his door handle, his tone is serious and he's looking at me with some kind of emotion I've not seen on his face before, "what about the dreams?" I stare at him blankly, how does he know about my dreams, "you mumble and whimper in your sleep," his gaze softens, "you have gone through a lot, emotionally and physically, it's okay to not be okay sweetheart," I find myself suddenly unable to meet his gaze, emotions warring within me,

"I...I don't want to be alone," I mutter quietly,

"Okay then," he then pulls me into the room, "I won't leave you alone," he promises, he throws his leather jacket onto a chair and directs me over to the bed,

"Don't get any funny idea's G," I warn, "this doesn't mean I like you," he chuckles at my defiant tone,

"Of course sweetheart," he pushes my down then jumps onto the bed beside me and covers us with the blankets, "you keep telling yourself that and you might start to believe it," he grins at me before pulling me close, "Now sleep kitten, we both need our energy," I turn to face away from him, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing my burning face. He falls asleep pretty fast, with a sigh I snuggle deeper under the blanket, I shouldn't feel so content beside him right? Should that worry me? I decide not to think about it and close my eyes. After a few moments I drift off to sleep...

Chains jangled, wrists hurt. I look around and panic at the familiar sight of blank white walls. No no no, footsteps getting closer, a man appearing in the doorway, "Well I think it's about time," I stare up in horror as he grins down at me, the chains become loose, "Come," he orders, I'm too afraid to move, he sighs with annoyance and a purple aura surrounds me, "I don't have time for you to not follow orders," he mutters and starts walking, my body floats after him, no matter how hard I fight it. No I don't want this, no, please, stop! He puts my body into a dark machine and straps me in, he grins at me, "today's the day, soon I will merge your SOUL with Chara's and create something magnificent, then I can start working on the next phase.." he closes the machine and I'm left in darkness. I can feel panic welling up, the sounds of the machine whirred to life loudly and vibrate through me, I try to pull at the restraints, but I can't get out. There is pain, like something is being ripped out from deep within me, because that was what was happening right? He was trying to take my SOUL. But it would stop soon right, someone would save me right.... but it's not stopping, "FRISK!" a voice, who's voice is that, it sounds familiar, "FRISK!" my body is shaking, "Sweetheart wake up!" suddenly I gasp...

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now