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I woke up to find her still in on my lap, my arms loosely around her waist. She was awake but her gaze was on my wall. I watched her as she examined the newspaper clippings and the small photos of all the labs I had taken down, eyes narrowing and nose scrunching up in concentration, she's just too damn cute, a quiet chuckle escapes me and her head whips around to look at me, a slight blush creeping up her neck, "S..sorry I didn't want to wake you," 

"That was very kind of you, thank you," I grin pulling her into a tight hug,

"Plus you kind of had me in a death grip, I couldn't get up, I even tried," she pouts and starts to fidget, "I need to stretch my legs,"

"Okay sweetheart, let's get you on your feet!" I jump up with her in my grip, so she won't just fall, her squeal of protest makes me laugh, "there we go," I gently set her down, "better?"

"You could have just let go of me and I would have climbed off," she replies shaking her head, 

"I preferred my way," I shrug and stretch, "how you coping after sleeping?" 

"Well if i'm honest, and I usually always am, I'm not sure, I guess I just feel numb now," she gives me a sad smile, 

"I won't say it get's better kitten, but it will get easier," I promise, she nods but then narrows her eyes at me,

"The nicknames need to stop," 

"Nope," I grin and head out of the room, my intentions set on the kitchen, if anything is still edible in there. She follows after me, stopping in the kitchen doorway and leaning against the frame,

"So this is your place?" she enquires as I open and close the fridge real quick, nope we are going to stay out of there, let's say it was less than pleasant,

"Yeah, not that it's exactly lived in, I rarely came home if truth be told,"

"Rather pass out drunk at Grillby's?" 

"You're starting to know me too well," I laugh and continue to look through cupboards,

"How long has it been since you were last here?" 

"Since the night I was arrested, so about eight months or so," 

"And you expect to find something that's not got something living on it?" she nods to the empty cupboards and half empty containers that litter the surfaces, I feel my face get warm,

"Well it was worth a shot?" I shrug, her laughter fills the room and I smile. Happy to know she can still do so even after all that's happened, "How about I run out and get us something, you'll stay here right?"  wow that sounded pathetically needy,

"Well since I don't really know where I am," she smiles, "and I don't feel like being around other people right now, I'll still be here, just get something good," 

"I'll be as quick as I can," I walk past her out of the kitchen before turning back to her, "I should go grab you some things, especially your shoes," nodding to her bare feet she wriggles her toes,

"That would be great, as much as I like to walk about barefoot, when we do leave we don't want to draw attention to ourselves," she chuckles, 

"Alright, I will try slip back into your room for some things, if you want feel free to use the bathroom, it's at the end of the hall!" I teleport out, since I don't currently have the key for the door...


With a sigh I slump down to the floor, alone with my thoughts, I didn't like it. The image of Toriel still fresh in my mind. "No!" I force myself back to my feet, "she wouldn't want me to mope about, I have to keep moving forward!" I give myself an over all shake and look around the room, I find myself grinning at what Paps would think of the mess, with a small chuckle I decide to get to work.

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now