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"Uhh, about someone I like," she shrugged while going back to peeling potatoes, she likes someone!

"Who?" I demand, she looks up at me, keep your cool G,

"You don't need to know, it's nothing," she looks away, oh hell no, I need to know who the ass hole is!

"Don't care, who?" I will find out,

"Look I already told them three that it's not like that," she sighs, "it's nothing special, just a friend," she ends on a mumble and starts blinking rapidly, wait is she crying? I put the carrot and knife down and move around to her side,

"Sweetheart don't cry," I say softly while wiping her tears away, she lets out a frustrated sigh,

"I don't know why I'm crying," she huffs and gives me a little glare, "this is your fault,"

"Wait how?" I'm confused,

"I don't want to talk about it," she grumbles looking away, "we need to get this finished," 


"G please don't,"

"Do I need to beat someone up? Because I totally will," I suggest folding my arms to look serious, she looks up at me again and laughs, 

"No G, you weirdo," she giggles, I smile, at least I got her to stop crying, "so you going to tell me who it is you like?" I ask as I go back to chopping the carrots,

"God no," she laughs, I glance at her to find she's blushing brightly, hmm,

"I'll find out," I promise,

"You can try, and you will fail," she gives me a little smirk, "considering I haven't actually decided if I do like them, more than a friend that is," good, because I'm not letting anyone else have her. 


Lunch was a hit, of course, Frisk is an amazing cook! I honestly don't know why she doesn't cook more often. Although, watching people fuss over her about her cooking makes me want to hide her away for myself, "Yo," I turn to see Undyne beside me, a rather nice lump was bruising on her head,

"How's the head?" I smirk, she just grins at me,

"She has wicked aim doesn't she?" 

"Hmm, I don't know, I mean she did throw a tray at me once but she missed,"

"She would have done that on purpose, the punk doesn't like to hurt anyone unless necessary,"

"So throwing potatoes at your big head was necessary?" I question,

"My head is not big!" she says shoving me, 

"Hey I have a question,"

"What about?"

"About Frisk," we both notice Frisk glance over at us, eyes narrowing but then she's distracted by Papyrus picking her and swinging her around, 

"Ohh?" Undyne turns to me with a big grin, it's a little unnerving, 

"Yeah, she mentioned you guys were teasing her about someone she likes," I keep watching Frisk as Papyrus continues to spin her around, her laughter full of playful joy, 

"Did she mention who?" Undyne asks giggling, giggling...

"No," I turn to look at her slowly, the giggling gets worse, "she won't tell me,"

"Of course she won't," 

"So, you going to tell me?"

"What for?" the giggling continues, it's starting to really annoy me,

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