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A/N - Some of the pictures I find make me giggle. I could just scroll through images of G and Frisk all day....but then I wouldn't be writing, must.resist.looking!


Everything is spinning and I have to fight the urge to throw up. He's laughing! "Careful sweetheart, it's always a little disorientating the first few times,"

"Remind me never to do that again," I let out a shuddering breath and push away from him,

"Aww don't say that," he chuckles, "Don't you enjoy being wrapped in my arms?"

"No," I stick my tongue out at him, because I don't...right? "Now come on we have to hurry," I grab his hand and pull him along, I'm not even going to contemplate it!

"You really shouldn't lie dear," he laughs, I choose to ignore him. Now is not the time for his ridiculous flirtatious teasing. "Do you know where you are going?" He asks pulling me to a stop, 

"The opposite way from all the commotion?" yes I phrased that as a question, mainly because I wasn't actually sure where to go, I kind of forgot to plan this part, he sighs at me before taking the lead now pulling me along,

"I'm assuming we have to find Sentry?" He asks using Undyne's code name while glancing back at me, I nod, "Okay, I know how her mind works, somewhat, we should head to the main security office nearer to the entrance, though how we will bypass the locked gates between us and there," he shakes his head then comes to a stop pulling me close to his side. Guards suddenly thunder past, thankfully they don't notice us, once they have gone G pulls me towards our first gate. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, I watch him for a moment before a quiet whirring sound distracts me, following its sound I look up to find a camera, uhh, it zooms in on us, then sort of moves side to side,

"G," I tug on his hand, since he has yet to let go. Pointing at the camera we both watch it move from side to side, it's like its waving at us, then focus back on us, after a few more seconds the electronic lock on the gate clicks open, I grin up at G, he grins back, "Brains stepped up her game," he looks amused at my words before quickly pulling me through. 

Each time we get to a door, it unlocks for us and we keep moving forward. Soon the corridors change from dull grey stone to cream walls with blue and red lines running along, we have to dash behind a corner as a voice up ahead suddenly bellows out,


"Uh no, but captain we have to watch the camera's at all times..." a nervous voice responds,

"Do you see what's happening in there, bloodshed, do they look like they can handle it alone, NO, so move your collective asses and git to!"

"But Captain Undyne sir MAAM! The cameras.."

"I'll watch them, it's not my place to step in and help handle the prisoners, that's your job, but I will be kind enough to watch the cameras," there's silence for a few moments, "You're not moving punks!" she growls, suddenly four guards hurry away. "It's clear!" Both G and I shrug and step out to see a grinning Undyne, "I love bossing idiots about," she chuckles, her eye lingers on our connected hands, which at that point I pull my hand away and walk towards her, we embrace,

"Don't even think about it," I whisper in her ear, she just grins manically,

"So," she nods to him, "G," why the pause?

"Undyne, been a while," he smirks, 

"I see you've made close friends with our ambassador," Undyne prods while wrapping an arm around my shoulder,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now