37 - Epilogue

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Ten years later...


I rush down the corridors trying to balance the stack of papers in one arm and a coffee in my other hand, I had a large satchel slung over one shoulder and it was steadily working its way to slipping off my shoulder, god I'm so late! There was still so much to do before tonight's event. It is at this moment the satchel slips, jerking my arm and sending papers flying everywhere, thank the gods it wasn't the coffee, "FRISK ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" I turn with a smile to my very best friend in the world,

"I'm fine Paps," I tell the heavily armoured skeleton, although if it wasn't for the voice I wouldn't be able to tell it was him with that helmet, "you do know you don't need to wear that much armour, right?"

"BUT FRISK, THIS IS A ROYAL GUARDS UNIFORM, HOW ELSE WOULD I BE NOTICED AS SUCH?" he asks, god he's such a sweet cinnamon roll, I chuckle,

"Even Undyne doesn't wear the helmet," I point out, he nods and after a moment pulls the helmet off and grins at me. Paps is basically Undyne's second in the royal guard now and insists on always wearing the armour, I'm starting to worry he sleeps in it, but it's always clean. G always suggests that he showers with it on when we discuss Paps obsession with wearing it,

"DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE?" he asks while we both turn to look at all the papers on the floor,

"No, I got this," I smile up at him warmly as I readjust my bag before snapping my fingers and magically summoning the papers to my hand, "just don't tell my students, I'm trying to teach them not to use their gifts for self-gain,"

"HOW ARE THE LITTLE SORCERERS?" he enquires moving in step beside me as I continue walking. Eight years ago, we had come across a young orphan boy while setting up the 'Toriel children's foundation' who had gifts very similar to my own, I had immediately taken him into my care after finding out that he had been stuck in foster care since he was very little, due to incidents and accidents no one would adopt him. Kasper is sixteen now, we adopted him when he turned ten, he was my first apprentice and paved the way to me finding other human children with the gift. Now I teach around ten young ones to use their magic and not abuse it,

"They are doing wonderful, they even have a little performance planned for tonight's festival,"

"I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT THEN!" he exclaims excitedly,

"THERE YOU BOTH ARE!" a voice yells from behind us, turning we see Undyne rushing to us, she looks incredibly flustered,

"Is everything alright?" I ask, she nods then shakes her head while trying to catch her breath,

"I need help," she says looking embarrassed, Paps and I share a look before turning back to her questioningly, "well I still don't know what to get for Al, it's almost our anniversary and it's five years now so..." she shuffles from one foot to the next, Undyne and Alphys got married five years ago, it was super adorable, though they both insisted on an anime themed wedding, they even went to Tokyo for their honeymoon I swear they are obsessed,

"Aren't you cutting this a little late?" I tease,

"Yes, I know!" she growls at me, "we usually take a small vacation, but since Alphyne is only a few months old," she shrugs, Alphyne is their three-month-old daughter, they dote on her while still managing to get on with their jobs as head of the royal guard and royal scientist,

"I HAVE SOMETHING YOU COULD GIVE HER," Paps says, we both look up at him, well me more than Undyne since I'm the shortest here, "I WAS GOING TO GIVE THEM TO YOU BOTH BUT YOU CAN SAY THEY ARE FROM YOU,"

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