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A/N - The GIF makes me giggle.


One moment we are in the secret lab under Mom's house the next we are outside a restaurant and bar and I'm suffering a wave of vertigo, "You will get used to it eventually," G chuckles,

"I'd rather not, you make it sound like we will be doing that a lot," 

"Of course, it's how I like to get around,"

"I still don't see how that involves me getting used to it," I shake my head, he chuckles more and tightens his arms around me,

"Maybe I plan on you coming with me," he whispers in my ear,

"That's called abduction and or kidnapping," I wriggle in his grip as he laughs, "You going to let go?"

"Nah, I quite like having you right where you are," he does however let go, only to wrap one arm over my shoulders and pull me close to his side, "I like you close," he teases ignoring my light growl, 

"Where are we anyway?" I ask looking up at the place we stood in front of, it looked dead, hardly anyone was inside from what I could tell through the murky windows, a neon sign above the door flashed 'Grillby's'

"The best place that ever existed," he answers pulling me inside. I'm pleasantly surprised, it's warm and inviting inside, with deep comfy booths, and lots of dark wood, there's a small group of monsters sat playing card games at one table and at the bar a man made entirely of fire and wearing a snazzy looking suit is cleaning a glass, "Grilbz!" G shouts joyously and pulls me quickly to the bar pushing me onto a bar stool, 

"Of course you got out," the fiery man chuckles and glances down at me, I smile nervously, "Who's your friend?"

"This is my sweetheart," G smirks his arm dropping onto my shoulders again, I shrug it off and glare at him,

"I'm Frisk," I say to the fiery man offering a hand to shake,

"Hello Frisk," he chuckles deeply while taking my hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Grillby," his grip is warm and firm, I smile up at him, "So, not that I don't like you visiting G, but is there a reason you're here, and with company?" G indicates for him to come closer, and I just about catch his whisper,

"She's not the genocider," my eyebrows raise in alarm, but then Grillby shrugs and responds,

"I told you," 

"Wait what?" I question,

"I happened to see you when I visited this numbskull," Grillby answers, "I could tell from one look you didn't seem to be who they said you were,"

"Hey, I kinda agreed," G says sounding put off, I just raise an eyebrow at him, "I told you as much," he says pointing a finger in my face, "those eyes of yours gave it away," he smiles smugly, I shake my head in disbelief, "you won't guess who she actually is though Grilbz" I roll my eyes now, 

"Oh?" Grillby leans on the bar, interested it seems,

"She's the ambassador," G whispers almost proudly, Grillby turns to me evidently shocked but then starts nodding,

"Actually now you say it, your voice is familiar, you were the one I spoke to the last time the resistance gave me info for him," he jerks a thumb at G, "I hope everything is ok with the other lady, she always sounded really nervous,"

"She's fine," I smile, it was nice to put a face to a voice,

"And get this!" G jigs on his seat like an excited child, "Papyrus is alive!"

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now