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Stay determined...


She jolted forward in her seat gasping, I glance to the side at her while trying to keep my focus on the road at the same time, "Easy sweetheart," she looks around confused before closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths, "you okay? Bad dream?"

"I, don't know," she frowns deeply, "what happened?"

"Well sweetheart, you were so overcome with your love for me that you fainted after you kissed me," I chuckle, her eyes narrow at me slightly still confused before she punches me lightly in the arm,

"Hell no," I can't help but laugh at her reaction, "it wasn't anything like that," she grumbles frowning more, is she okay? It must have been a bad dream she seems out of sorts,

"Of course," I respond with teasing sarcasm in an attempt to change her mood, she growls at me, "okay, why don't you tell me then?" 

"Tell you what?" she cocks her head to the side, like a cute little puppy,

"Why you kissed me kitten, not that I'm complaining, I liked it," I smirk and she looks away but not fast enough to hide that blush from me,

"Um, Chara was trying to take over," she answers unsteadily, "she really seems to hate you so I figured she would run away if I did that?" that sounded like she was questioning it,

"Hmm," I glance over at her again, "Okay, well your food went cold, so we picked you up some sandwiches from the garage," I nod to a bag sat at her feet, "doubt they will be any good but you need to eat something,"

"Thanks," she responds quietly and slowly eats the sandwich, it's likely pretty bad, maybe we should just order food once we get to the safe house. Everything is quiet again and my mind wonders to that kiss, she totally took me by surprise doing that, I need to know one thing though,

"So.." I begin pulling her back out of her thoughts, "did you like it?" she frowns again, lots of frowning tonight, is she still half asleep?

"The sandwich?"

"No kitten," I chuckle softly and keep my gaze on the road as I make myself continue, "the kiss," it comes out as no more than a whisper, I grip the steering wheel tightly, she doesn't answer, I'm going to have to pull the answer out of her before it sends me insane, I quickly glance at her and back to the road, "if you don't answer I could just pull over and we could see first hand if you liked it," I suggest playfully,

"Eh, no, we don't need to do that!" she hisses making me chuckle again, I then wait, I really want her to answer, I need to know, "I, uh," she looks out the window for a moment before mumbling, "I didn't hate it," 

"Good to know," I say softly feeling heat rise to my face, that means she liked it right? God I hope she did, "We should be at the safe house soon," I tell her once I've got my emotions under control, she looks up at me and I smile, "maybe it's time to wake Papy," she nods and turns round to wake him up,

"Paps, wakey wakey!"

"ARE WE THERE?" he asks upon waking,

"Almost," I let him know. It takes about another twenty minutes before I pull the truck up to a small cottage, I get out and grab the bags that have our clothes in while Frisk pulls out her phone to ring home base, 

"IS FRISK OKAY?" Papyrus asks me, he's frowning at her, "SHE SEEMS NERVOUS," he had a point she was constantly looking around and seemed to hesitate before entering the cottage,

"Maybe, though she seemed to have a pretty bad dream before," I shrug, "It could be that?"

"PERHAPS," he nods taking his bag from me before following her inside. I take mine and Frisk's bags and throw them into one of the two bedrooms, then join them in the living room. Papyrus has started watching TV, I mentally groan when I realise it's a Mettaton show, he really does have a thing for that guy. I realise after a moment there is a distinct smell of burnt food, bacon? Hmm maybe someone else from the resistance has been here recently?

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now