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I wasn't surprised at all when it was the monsters that all went first, we are just much more trusting. She would do her trick and then send them through the doors behind Papy, most of them at least, anyone that went grey was asked to take a seat again and anyone who tried to run I simply stopped. Frisk asked a couple to stay, specifically guards, so it made mine and Papy's job easier. "This is pointless," a voice near me grumbles, I glance down at where I made ass face sit, I'd taken his gun away from him before we entered the room, "like some little light trick is going to do anything,"

"That isn't just some trick," I tell him, he glares at me, "she's testing the aura, if you're not true to who ya are, then it's gonna come out grey,"

"That doesn't mean we are traitors," he growls,

"Perhaps, but it's a good place to start,"

"I can't believe she doesn't trust me, after everything, and what we mean to one another," he pouts, wait, what did he mean by that?

"What you mean to one another?" I try to sound as if I'm not really interested, he chuckles and smirks up at me, as if seeing through me,

"Yeah, I am her boyfriend, we've been through lots together," ass face says suggestively, I scoff knowing he's lying, "what don't believe me, why not ask her then?"

"Don't need to," I respond and lean back against the doors, "y'see, I have trust in her, I'm also pretty damn good at reading a lie," I chuckle as he glares at me darkly,

"I don't get you," ass face says after a while, "You're the Renegade, your code name pretty much yells out you're a traitor, a deserter,"

"Your point?" other than annoying me,

"Why do you stand by her?" he shakes his head, "do you really think she wants peace, with a sister like that?" he laughs, I smirk at him,

"I believe in her, and I believe in what she dreams for, I want to support that, but you don't actually care what I think, you're just trying to annoy me, hoping I'll do something stupid, like try to kill you," I shake my head, he annoys me but I'm not going to stupidly rise to him. Frisk is doing the last person now, she looks tired, that's a lot of magical energy she's expended on testing what, around three hundred beings. One of the guys she had asked to stay starts moving over to us,

"You know, she makes this cute little whimper if you kiss her neck in just the right spot," ass face whispers just before he's hauled away, he smirks at me as I feel rage bubble up, I want to rip that look of his face, but a small hand pressing lightly against my chest stops me moving to do that, I look down to an exhausted Frisk,

"G?" she frowns up in concern and reaches a hand to my cheek, "what did he say to anger you?" I take a deep breath and smile at her,

"Nothing important, ass face was just trying to get a rise out of me," I shrug, "almost worked," I admitted, she snorts out a laugh,

"Ass face?"

"My new name for him, I think he suits it,"

"Oh yes, I think I can agree," she giggles lightly and I feel myself calm down, she leans against me, "Uhh, I never want to do that again," she heaves a tired sigh, "Paps is going with Roger, Steve and Garrison to secure those who came up suspect, I want you to question them tomorrow,"

"Me?" I respond slightly shocked,

"Yup, told you before it's the kind of thing I'd ask of you, I know you will get the truth out of them, some may be innocent and just confused, but I want to know what bases have been compromised by Brian and if there are going to be raids and..." she yawns,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now