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I stifled a yawn, the meeting had been going for hours. We had taken a small break ages ago, Frisk had told me I didn't have to stay if I didn't want to while we stood up top, I had desperately needed a cig, "I don't know how you do it kitten," I had said to her, she had just frowned, "how do you deal with them all, they're all so.."

"Stuck up their own asses?" she asked making me laugh. 

Now she stood listening to their complaints, still, not enough food, not enough manpower, this and that, I was starting to see a pattern and by her expression I'd bet so did she, but this current ass on the screen wouldn't shut up, getting annoyed I finally slammed my fist down on the table, everyone jumped except my lil sweetheart, glaring at the idiot on the screen I demanded, "have you even looked into why your shipment of supplies never turned up?"

"You have no right to talk to me, Renegade, acting like you're in charge.." 

"Answer the question," Frisk says with an icy tone, her eyes staring at the screen with deadly calm, the man visibly gulped,

"Well no, we assumed they were just never sent," he answers, a hint of annoyance in his voice, I could see other people and monsters on the other screens nodding,

"Alphys you authorised the last shipment yes?" Frisk turned to Alphys who nodded, "the shipments left main base, if they did not turn up, why did you not inform us when it didn't arrive?" 

"Oh yes because getting a response from a stuttering mess while you were locked away was really going to happen," the man scoffs, Undyne slams to her feet but Alphys pulls at her,

"Undyne sit down," Frisk says, I watch her out of interest, I've never heard her sound quite like this, I could sense the anger in her, "I'm sorry you felt that way Brian, if you have a problem with who I leave in command when I am not here, please, feel free to step up, because I can assure you, no one can do a better than Doctor Alphys," she warns then takes a deep breath, "look into the shipments from your end, we will trace them from this end, we will find out what happened to them, on the issue of man power, I'd like to thank Flora for informing me of the missing agents, Undyne I'm leaving the investigation of those in your care," Undyne nods, "As for now, we must discuss about moving forward with our main purpose," some nodded and made agreeing noises, a few, Brian included started to complain again, loudly,

"We aren't ready!" 

"With that attitude you never will be," I say, earning a fresh glare from Brian, "there's never going to be a 'right time' sometimes you just got to take a leap of faith," Papyrus beside me nods in agreement,

"I'm sorry," Brian sounding like the pompous fool he most likely is, "but I wasn't aware your opinion mattered here, this is resistance business after all. You're just something we used as a means to an end, you've expended your usefulness so I honestly don't understand why you're here, Renegade," he has a smug grin on his face as some others start agreeing with him, I feel anger bristle within me, I have every right to be here,why should I have to explain myself to him! Frisk's hand comes down on my shoulder and I look up at her, she looks more furious than I've ever seen her. Her eyes are literally glowing,

"You seem to have a problem with who I choose to let in this resistance Brian," she says evenly, 

"I mean no offence Ambassador, but you are pretty much still a child, we can't blame you if you make unwise decisions, that's what we are all here for, to help and advise you," Brian smiles, more people nod, Frisk is holding me down with that one hand now, kitten has more strength than I realised,

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