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I opened my eyes and bolted up, confused for a moment wondering where I am, then I realise I'm on the sofa, with a blanket over me, "Did I fall asleep?" I mumble, there's a plate on the coffee table with a note,

Breakfast G! Didn't want to wake you, Paps is down at the labs gathering Intel, if you need me I'm in my room debating an idea - Frisk

I smile and dig into breakfast, chuckling when I find its bacon and eggs, I wonder what she meant by debating an idea? Deciding to find out I quickly finish my food and stand up. I knock on her door once I've stretched, "Come in," her voice calls from inside, I open the door and walk into a room similar to my own but extremely tidy, I find her sat at a dressing table reaching around with scissors to the back of her hair, I stop her with my aura,

"What are you doing kitten?" 

"Uhh," she looks at me sheepishly, "cutting my hair?"

"Why?" I ask moving over to her and taking the scissors away,

"It's stupid," she mumbles looking away,

"Come on sweetheart you can tell me, I won't think it's stupid," I promise, I'm just curious,

"I, well I just want to kinda look different," she pauses, "than my sister, we both have long hair and I figured maybe if I cut it we could look a little bit different?" she shrugs,

"I see your point," I nod in agreement, she looks surprised, "but it's dangerous trying to cut your own hair, especially with the size of this pair, couldn't find a smaller pair?" I chuckle,

"Trying to ask for scissors without getting a thousand questions as to why was not something I wanted to do," she giggles,

"Well, let's just work with what we got then," I turn her to face the mirror of her dressing table,

"What are you doing?" she asks frowning at me in the reflection, 

"I'm going to cut your hair," I grin,

"Do you even know how?" 

"As a matter of a fact yes I do," I say proudly, she giggles again, "trust me kitten,"

"I do," she smiles warmly with a faint blush, I smile back trying not to blush myself,

"Well, you leave this to me, that way you won't lose all your hair."

And I have to say, I am a master. I smile as she admires her hair, what once was almost down to her waist now touches her shoulders with a few layers to give it a soft feathered look, "G I love it, I really do," she grins at me, "you got any more hidden talents I don't know about?"

"Oh I have a few talents I've yet to show you," I smirk playfully while using my aura to move the hair littering the floor to the bin, she rolls her eyes at me but I see that blush,

"Have you eaten your breakfast?" she asks moving over to her bed and grabbing the sweater that sits there, my sweater

"Yeah, reminded me of when you cooked for me," I chuckle, "so what's today's plans?"

"Hmm, not too sure, I should check in with Undyne, other than that I have nothing to do until lunch time, since I'm going to be doing lunch duty,"

"Wait you're cooking, I thought you only cooked for your very best friends?" 

"Oh ha ha," she pulls on the sweater, "the guys who should be on duty have family issues apparently," she sighs and frowns, "I need to get Undyne to do checks on everyone here," she adds on quietly,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now