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Reorganising and packing up an entire base was more work than I'd like. Especially when I found out just how badly monsters were treated here, selecting a new leader became an issue. A deep distrust between races had arisen here and it was painful to listen to the complaints. Surprisingly the answer to the problem pretty much solved itself as Steve, a human guard I had put in charge of security and Garrison a monster dog guard, quickly calmed everyone down. As I watched them both I grinned with how well they got along, almost like brothers.

"I've decided," I say standing up, "our goal, the resistances goal, is to bring all beings together, without hatred or prejudice, so, this faction will be led not by one leader, but two," I turn the Steve and Garrison, "and I know exactly who I can count on," I smile at their shocked looks, everyone catches on quickly and voices their agreements. We quickly then move on to the logistics of it all, I have a quick call with Alphys who confirms the new location. We are lucky this is one of the smaller bases and that there are enough vehicles to transport everyone, including the traitors, because there is no way we can just leave them and I'm not about to condone killing them.


I stand up from the computer desk and stretch, having just finished wiping everything off the system. The kingdom obviously knows this location so removing any evidence is a must. Familiar arms slip around my waist from behind, "How you doing sweetheart?" G mumbles in my ear, I glance to the side at him as he rests his chin on my shoulder,

"Just finished in here, you all done?"

"Yup, Brian was very helpful," he chuckles, "Ass face on the other hand," he scowls, I frown at him and raise an eyebrow questioningly, "he said some choice things, I made a point to teach him a little lesson is being respectful," I chuckle lightly and shake my head, "he's still alive you don't need to worry about that,"

"I wasn't," I smile and lean into him slightly, "I trust you G," he kisses me on the forehead and grins,

"Come on kitten, Papy says we can get some food then think about heading home," he steps away but before heading out he grabs my hand pulling me along, things have changed between us, haven't they? What exactly is going on between us now? "The sooner we can get back the better,"

"Oh," I gasp suddenly remembering what else I had spoken to Alphys about before, "we have to make a stop on the way, to meet someone," I scowl slightly,


"Yeah, trust is a little on the low at the moment, so where as normally this would be handled by someone else, we, or rather I have been asked by Alphys to personally go," I groan, "is there any way to contain Paps, excitement?"

"Wait, who are we meeting?" he gives me a look of horror,

"Oh, you'll see," I chuckle, I wonder if he has the same reaction to this guy as I do?

"That just makes me nervous sweetheart," he shakes his head and we step into the busy food hall, MK comes running up to us and starts guiding us to a table where Paps is already sat at with Steve, Garrison and Rogers. We eat, we laugh and throughout it all G sits close to my side. Yup things have definitely changed, I just wish I knew what to.


Many hours later and we pull up at a small fast food restaurant, I made both brothers sit in the back as we had to pick someone up. I had been listening to their bickering for the past few hours, G had been making puns, which only seemed to annoy Paps more and more with each one. They both became silent as I stopped the truck, "Okay we are just picking someone up who will direct us to the location of the meeting, we're going to be nice and calm about this," I focus this mostly at Paps who just looks confused, G looks curious. We all turn as an orange cat like monster jumps into the passenger seat,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now