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What am I doing! I've lost all logical sense. I mean first he kisses me and I slap him, which one can argue is kind of logical, I mean slapping men who shouldn't be kissing you is a given, but then I go and pull him down and kiss him back! Frisk you have lost your ever loving mind! I push him away suddenly, a tad violently, he stumbles back a step, my face is probably bright red, "That meant nothing!" I find myself yelling, he doesn't respond so I look up to find him smirking at me, "nothing," I repeat but it sounds like a whimper, it's like I'm trying to convince myself!

"If that will help you sleep at night sweetheart," he grins, 

"It was purely an accident," really? Really!

"Oh of course, you accidentally pulled me into a kiss," he teases stepping closer, I take a step back,

"Yeah, because I'm totally not in the right frame of mind," I scramble for an excuse, it's kind of poor, he frowns at me, 

"Okay," he responds after a moment, wait, crap, I said something bad didn't I? Did I hurt his feelings? He looks up at the crystalline sky for a moment, "We should continue, still got a long way to go before we are out, then I can teleport us back home yeah?" he looks back at me again, a pained smile on his face. I find myself unable to say anything as he leads the way, the words sort of seem to just lodge in my throat uncomfortably.

The rest of the journey is awkwardly silent, I couldn't have upset him right? I mean come on he's a playboy, he flirts with anything with a pulse! It's not like I'm anything special to him, not that I care. I don't care right? So why does my chest hurt? Staring at his back brings a tightness that's uncomfortable, what do I say? Hours pass before we finally take the last few steps out of the underground, my legs and feet were screaming at me to just stop moving, but my mind was still on the silent form in front of me, I take a deep breath, "G listen.."

"It's alright sweetheart, I know you're not ready to admit your feelings for me," he chuckles with a smirk, I narrow my eyes at him, back to teasing? He has to be bipolar I can't explain the sudden twist and turns of his moods, now I'm slightly irritated,

"My feelings for you?" I enquire raising an eyebrow,

"Yup," he takes my hand and pulls me close and I just let him! "That you're hopelessly in love with me," he grins, our faces almost touching,

"Oh you wish," I roll my eyes,

"Yeah, I kinda do," he smiles at me as if he's teasing but his tone of voice sounded serious, confusion floods me as he keeps gazing straight into my eyes. Before I can even try to process or question what he said he spins me around and pushes me into someone else's arms, correction three peoples arms. When did he teleport! I glance back at him, he's walking away as I'm suddenly surrounded by sobbing cries. I want to call him back, panic is making me shake, what happened to not leaving my side? 

"I'm so sorry Frisk," a voice is blubbering, I take a deep shuddering breath and turn to my friends, Undyne is now holding my face in her hands, "this is all my fault!"

"I..it's okay Undyne, it's not your fault, I wasn't careful enough," I smile weakly, 

"We n..need to check your vitals," Alphys says seriously once she's got control of her emotions, this causes Papyrus to pick me up and start rushing me along to the lab. With a sigh I give in, it's probably for the best. I don't have the energy to fight it and I'm safe for the moment, I'm with friends. I'm safe. So why don't I feel safe?


Alphys had given me the all green, said I was perfectly fine if a little malnourished and weak, even my DT was quite high which was surprising, they had questioned if something had happened to make it rise so quickly, I just said no, because nothing did happen. Other than G rescuing me... and that kiss. I feel myself blushing just at the thought. No, it can't be that. I need to put it out of my mind! But I can't. Dammit. I need to go find him but...

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