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Time was a blur, it could have been hours since I had been taken, or it could have been days. Everything hurt, every breath was agony. I'm not sure how much more I can take. His footsteps echo as he steps into the room and a whimper escapes me, I'm quickly losing the determination to hold on...


Guilt. It weighed heavily on my shoulders. I couldn't help but feel this was my fault, no matter how many times Alphys tried to convince me otherwise. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way, Sans had been unnervingly quiet since he came back inside, everyone avoided being near him. He was giving off bad vibes but Papyrus was watching him which put most people a little bit of ease. Even Asriel had been eerily quiet. We were sat in one of the labs, going through any information we had that may lead us to find where he took her to. The door opens and a familiar resistance member walks in, "Jason," I stand up as he moves into the room more, "anything?" he shakes his head,

"Nothing, not a trace, sources are saying Gaster hasn't even been seen since," he shrugs, "I think we are at a loss here," 

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sans asked, his eyes dangerously dark,

"It means it's been a week and we haven't found anything, for all we know she's dead," he points out, no one is really surprised when Sans slams Jason against the wall, "be angry all you want pal, but it's what everyone is thinking,"

"She is not dead," Sans snarls,

"But the resistance has to go on," Jason says looking over us all pointedly, "she wasn't the only one who led it," he reminds us. Guilt, I hate the feeling,

"Okay, we start to make a move with the resistance plans," I says after a deep broken sigh escapes me, everyone looks slightly startled, Sans looks furious, "we won't stop looking for Frisk," I promise, "but she wouldn't want this all to fall apart just because she's not here,"

"Undyne is r..right, she made it c..clear when she was arrested, the resistance must always g..go on," Alphys nods taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. Sans lets out a low growl before storming out of the room.

Guilt. All this pain being caused, my fault. If I had just been more careful.


"G!" Asriel calls after me, why did he have to follow,

"Not now kid," I growl back, but he pulls me to a stop,

"Look I understand how you're feeling, everyone is feeling it, but you have to keep a level head,"

"Back of kid, you have no idea what I'm feeling," I growl, 

"You're not the only one who cares about Frisk G," he responds lowly, finally snapping I slam him down on the ground,

"It's a bad idea to push me little prince," I spit the words in his face, I know I'm being out of control, but I was so full of anger and guilt. All I could think about was what that bastard was doing to her,

"If you're after a fight G I will gladly give you one," Asriel growls,

"ENOUGH!" Papyrus shouts pulling me off Asriel, I hadn't even realised he had also followed, "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE FIGHTING AMONGST OURSELVES!" he looks between us seriously, I slump in his grip, when did my innocent little brother become so, grown up? "WE WILL FIND HER, ALL WE NEED TO DO IS FOLLOW THE SAME ALGORITHMS SHE WOULD USE TO FIND POSSIBLE LABS, THERE HAS TO BE ONE SOMEWHERE WE HAVEN'T.." he stops, a look of shock and horror passing over his usually happy face, 

"Papyrus what's wrong?" Asriel asks getting to his feet, I extricate myself from my brothers grasp and grip his shoulders,


"THERE IS ONE PLACE," he says looking down at me, "I..I DON'T KNOW WHY I DIDN'T THINK OF IT BEFORE!"

"Where Papyrus?" I shake him slightly, by now Undyne and Alphys have turned up, probably wondering about the noise,

"SNOWDIN," he finally answers, we all stand there in silence,

"W..wait, the lab you s..saved her from last time?" Alphys looks in complete shock, Undyne slaps her palm against her forehead,

"Of course, why didn't we even think about that!" she growls,

"There's a lab in Snowdin?" I ask slowly stepping back from Papyrus, they all nod, "and it's where he had her before?" I was doing my level best to hold the anger in, but were they all idiots! No, I can't think like that, there had to be reasons they didn't think of that place to begin with, "Where in Snowdin?"

"THE FOREST," Papy answers while nodding at me, he understands and supports what I'm now planning,

"Sans, don't even think about it, you can't teleport all the way there!" Undyne yells reading my expression,

"Why not?" I question,

"M..mount Ebott is m..miles away!" Alphys stutters, I know what they are all thinking, a jump that far, it could drain me of all energy,

"Maybe before it was impossible," Asriel says and looks at me, "but G isn't what he used to be, Frisk changed that," he smirks, "our SOUL's are as strong as a human's now after all," he nods at me,

"I'll bring her home," I promise, Undyne and Alphys start to protest but I've already gone.

Cold air whips around me with a flurry of snow. I almost lose my balance. Breathing heavily I look around. A calm silence blankets the town of Snowdin, I feel a small smile slide across my face at the memories this place held, I hadn't step foot here in around eight years. I give myself a moment to catch my breath before turning my gaze to the forest, Snowdin's forest was pretty expansive but I won't stop, "I will find you Frisk."


Empty, that's all I feel. Empty. Chara stands in front of me as I hang limply in the chains, she's furious and ranting. Seems that it has been decided she won't be getting my SOUL, well I can take a tiny amount of joy in that, anything that causes her so much irritation was good in my opinion. I watch her as she paces, complaining. How did I ever look up to her? What happened to my protective big sister, my sister who took the belt from our father more in an attempt to stop me having to feel the pain. She glares at me, "you were weak," she snarls, "pathetic and clingy," her eyes are filled with rage, "I hated every minute of your presence, I was glad to be rid of you when I fell into the underground," I know she's trying to hurt me with her words, but they just make me pity her, she's changed so much, "maybe I've always been like this, you've just refused to see," she says coldly reading me so easily. Not long after she leaves, having ran out of energy to rant at me. Alone now. Alone and cold. And empty. This is what it was going to be like now isn't it? I broke, he broke me and I gave him exactly what he wanted.

A/N - Sorry I didn't update yesterday, hopefully you have liked parts 14 and 15 for today :)

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