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I left Alphys and Az giggling with one another and went back to the unit I shared with G and Paps, rubbing my eyes I walk into G's room, I pause, I should go to my own room... meh. I drop onto his bed and fall asleep. I was whipped out, long journey, then getting killed and resetting, I just wanted to sleep. I'm not sure how long I slept but a I woke again yelping in pain and gripping my head, I heard yelling, but not with my ears....

                     'FRISK WAKE UP!'

'What the actual hell!' I yelled back internally as I register it's Chara's voice,

                     'You have to leave now!'

'Wait what?'

                     'Ugh your taking too long!' suddenly everything went numb and my body started moving by itself,

'Chara what the hell, give me back my body!' god that sounded ridiculous,

                     'No time,' she moves us out of the bedroom, G and Paps look up as we step through,

"AH YOU'RE AWAKE!" Paps grins, but G's gaze narrows and he stops Paps from moving towards us, I grin internally,

"Chara?" he growls,

"Simmer down bonehead and both of you follow!" Chara orders moving us to the door, what are you doing? "finding the alarm," why? "shut up Frisk there's no time to explain!" she growls, G grabs our arm,

"What the hell is going on!" he demands, Chara knocks his grip off and pushing him away forcefully, don't hurt him,

"Ugh fine, but where is the damn alarm Frisk!" if you told me what's going on and gave me control back... "Nope, I have another way," G and Paps are watching us confused, I wince in pain, what are you doing Chara! She doesn't respond but starts moving again with purpose, "Ah ha!" she walks into a room and activates an alarm, a booming voice rings out throughout the base,


"Alright explain!" G asks while grabbing us and moving along the corridors, "and give us Frisk back,"

"Calm down ya bone bag, she's still here, she just wasn't moving quick enough," how am I still here? Last time you took over I ended up in your body, "I knocked myself out, let's not have you going in my body again, you pissed the doc off enough last time," G gives us a funny look, "I was talking to Frisk," she smirks, you still need to explain what you're doing exactly, "alright miss snippy," she grumbles, "your base is about to get raided, in maybe ten minutes or so, I was just going to leave it be but I'd rather have the pleasure of killing you myself so, plus seeing Father angry at failing is kind of amusing," I thought you didn't feel anything? "ya ya, shush," she glances up at G who is still pulling us along, we are in a more crowded corridor now, she grins wide, what the hell are you plotting? "y'know I could explain exactly how Frisk feels about you," she says to G, he glances at us, I spot the interest in his gaze but he shakes his head,

"I'd rather she tells me than you,"

"Aww but where's the fun of that, especially after she's just come to admit it to herself," Chara giggles, G's steps falter slightly and Chara's grin gets deeper, her intentions known to me instantly, DON'T YOU DARE TELL HIM! I scream out silently she just laughs as we come to a stop, "that she finally realises she's... NO!" somehow, with sheer determination I slam back into my body, breathing heavily I ignore the cackles filling my head, G's hands come to either side of my face and he looks me in the eyes, he sighs and relaxes,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now