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We sit silently eating the sandwiches MK had brought for us while I had been sleeping, I suppose I was sulking a little but G can't stop grinning, as if he's won a huge prize. I wish I could know what's going through his thoughts right now, because mine are a mess. I let him kiss me, god I kissed him first! Twice, but he only knows the one in the dream, and that's all he needs to know, I can feel my face burning as he glances over at me, "You okay there sweetheart, you seem a tad flustered," he smirks,

"I'm perfectly fine," I pout getting up and putting my plate on the table, I let out a little startled yelp as his arms wrap around me from behind,

"That's a shame, I like it when you're all flushed," he whispers in my ear,

"G!" I complain only getting chuckles,

"We should get more sleep, it's only like three a.m.," he says lifting me off my feet,

"But I'm not sleepy," I point out, he drops us both onto the bed,

"Well..." he rolls on top of me, "I could help with that?" he says suggestively, I narrow my eyes at him,

"Behave," I grumble and try to move but he pins me down,

"Oh no, you're not escaping me sweetheart," he chuckles as I gaze up at him slightly panicked, "relax kitten, I won't do anything you don't want me to," I relax a little as his gaze softens, but it still sends a whirl of emotions flooding though me, what is that look on his face, I frown up at him, "what's wrong?" he asks while moving hair behind my ear gently,

"I'm trying to figure you out," I answer honestly, he smiles,


"What are you thinking?" I ask curiously, he simply smirks, "never mind I don't want to know, not if your thoughts aren't clean," I turn my face away,

"I told you, I won't do anything you don't want me to, but I can't help where my thoughts take me," he chuckles, "but don't worry, the only thing I'm thinking about right now," he gently grips my chin pulling me to look at him once more, "is kissing you again, because god damn, I do like to kiss you," okay, now I'm as red as a tomato! He chuckles leaning down and giving me a quick kiss, "not what you expected?"

"I uh..." I don't know what to say or even think, what does he even mean by that!

"A quick one just isn't enough," he chuckles before kissing me again, this time longer, and of course I just melt into it again, come on Frisk shove him off! But no, I won't listen to my inner thoughts, what do I do? I pull him closer! He chuckles pulling back and rolling onto his side, "gotta be careful, that could be addictive," he pulls me to him and rests his chin on my head. I'm left feeling confused and slightly giddy, what the hell is wrong with me!


I almost felt too giddy, I had to contain it though. I'm still not sure exactly what she feels for me, but it's something strong right? She wouldn't kiss me like that otherwise surely? I'm going to have to talk to someone about it, not Papy, he will just get too excited and he's still pretty innocent, definitely not Undyne because she will start shouting it off around everywhere and Frisk would never forgive me. That leaves Alphys, that could work, she would respect my wish for it to be private and I can cope to a certain extent with her fangirling. Okay, now that I've decided that, I just need to keep on as normal until we get back to main base, as for now. Time to work. We are walking down the corridors, Frisk is explaining to Steve, who she has dubbed head guard for now, what we are going to do, he's listening intently, "Renegade will handle the suspected, as for the rest, Castle and I will assist in getting everyone packed, we will reorganise roles and name leaders, I'm just waiting on confirmation for your relocation,"

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now