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A/N - So I didn't think this story would get anywhere close to 30 parts, welp lol. I will say it's coming close to the end, at least from the notes I've made in a plan of sorts, not many things to happen now although that could change as a lot of what I have put in this story wasn't planned originally :D well hope you guys are still enjoying it! Now enough of me rambling, onto the new chapter! Oh, just a warning, this chapter will be jumping pov's frequently.


I drop onto the sofa and sigh with satisfaction, I'm so glad to be back home, well main base home. G chuckles, "How about you rest kitten, I'll go fill the devil's duo in,"

"Thanks," I mumble, I could already feel myself falling asleep, we had pushed it to our limits to get back after Mettaton's without stopping,

"I'LL GO FIND SOME FOOD FOR US ALL!" Paps says, I just grumble an agreement of sorts and barely hear them leave. I fall blessedly into slumber. I'm abruptly pulled from the peaceful darkness of sleep by frantic banging on the door, when no-one answers it I assume I'm still alone so with a sigh I get up and open the door to find an agitated Jason,

"Hey Jason, what's wrong?" I ask with a yawn,

"Sorry I woke you Frisk but it's important," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room,

"Huh, what's going on Jason?"

"I uh, I found something strange on the perimeter up top, I need you to come and see it," he tells me while dragging me to the elevator,

"Okay, okay, I'm coming no need to be so forceful," I pull my hand out of his grip as we get in the elevator and stifle another yawn, god I'm still half asleep, "so what's wrong up there?"

"You'll see," he responds shifting from one foot to the next, why's he acting so nervous, now that I look at him, he looks pale and he's sweating,

"Hey are you okay?" I ask concerned,

"I'm fine, perfectly fine," he jumps out of the elevator and starts guiding me to the perimeter, "It's over here," once at the edge I frown,

"What am I supposed to be looking for Jason?" I ask,

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Jason mutters, I turn around to question what he's sorry about but suddenly his hands are around my neck and I can't react quick enough, he slams be against a half fallen down wall, "I have to do this, you have given me no choice," black spots start swimming in my vision as I fight for air, no, this isn't happening, it hurts.... everything is fading.

I don't want to die......

Stay determined!


"We should let her sleep, she seems exhausted," I say to Papy, he nods, we all were worn out if I was to be honest. I headed towards the labs, intent on talking to Alphys, now's the best time while Frisk sleeps safely. Papy heads off to get food so I was alone when I entered the lab, "hey doc," he grins,

"S..Sans welcome back, where's F..Frisk?"

"Sleeping," I answer dropping onto one of the stools that occupy the lab, "I've come to report," she nods and grabs her clip board, I give her the low down on what happened, and told her a little of what I paid attention to when meeting with Mettaton, "hey Al, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something,"

"S..sure Sans," she smiles at me as she places the clip board down, "what's wrong?"

"Well, nothing's wrong per-say, but I, well to be honest I need some advice,"

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now