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I had been staring at the screen for the past hour and I still couldn't get past what I was seeing. We were currently at Chaos base, which is coincidentally the very first base for the resistance, it's small and set in the outskirts of the city of Ebott, far too close to where I grew up for my liking, it's also the one base that has been raided, like multiple times, it was here I was arrested for my sister's murderous crimes, probably not the best place to be, but it was only myself, G, Paps, Alphys, Undyne and Az. We had spread out the rest from main base to other bases, Jason had been sent with a few guards to be put with our other traitors. While we were waiting on confirmations of everyone being safe so that we could then move forward with our plans, Alphys and I had been going through the security footage for this base and found something, odd. A man had been roaming the grounds once a week, like he was looking for something or someone, Alphys didn't think it was too strange, people go missing in the area all the time, I mean we are practically at the edge of the mountain. I didn't mention I knew the man though.

"Alright sweetheart, what's wrong?" G's hand comes down gently on my shoulder as he places a plate of spaghetti in front of me, I bite my lip, not sure if I should mention it, I mean, why is he of all people looking around here, and why, what's he looking for? "Kitten?" What could he possibly want, does he know I've been here? "Frisk?" G gives me a little shake and I look up at him, "spill it," I just point at the screen, "this the guy Al mentioned, the one that's been roaming around on a regular basis, think he could be a problem?"

"Uhh," I pause and look at the screen again, it's frozen on his image, "I'm not sure..." I say slowly, G sighs and sits down in the chair beside me, he then spins both our chairs so we are facing one another,

"Okay, you can either tell me, or I pull the answer from you," he threatens with a smirk, I roll my eyes at him,

"We could just ignore him, he's not got near any of the entrances from what we can tell," I glance at the screen again with a worried frown, G grips my chin with his finger and thumb pulling me back to look at him, he examines my face,

"You know who he is," he says tilting his head his gaze darkening slightly, "and you're worried, why, who is he doll face?" ooh he hasn't called me that in a while, I gulp and look away, I mean he's still holding my chin but I can move my eyes, he can't force me to look at him. He moves forward and kisses me lightly, I gasp slightly and look at him again, he smirks,

"G..G!" I complain with a huff, "y..you can't just do t..that," god I'm stuttering,

"Why not, you don't dislike it do you?" his smirk becomes a teasing grin when I find myself unable to form words, he leans closer again, "If I could, I wouldn't stop kissing you," he whispers, millimetres from our lips touching, he just stares into my eyes and I stare back,

"I..." whatever I was going to say lodged in my throat and heat creeps across my face,

"So, can I?" he asks,

"Huh?" I confused,

"Keep kissing you?" his grin softens to a gentle smile and his grip on my chin moves to a light caress on my cheek,

"O..Kay..." I mutter out, his smile widens a little, wait, did I just agree! He kisses me again and I just melt into it. God dammit! But I can't help it, I know he's just teasing me, I know that after all this is done and he's free he'll go find someone else, but I can't help it, I love him, and it hurts like hell,

"What's wrong sweetheart?" he asks with concern after pulling away, he wipes away a tear, when did I start to cry,

"Nothing, it's nothing," I lie pulling back a little,

Determination - G!SansxFriskWhere stories live. Discover now