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Kim Jisoo
Jennie Kim
Park Chaeyoung
Lalisa Manoban

Yoon Bomi
Jung Eunji
Kim Namjoo




Jennie's POV

"Are you sure she's coming? Been here for almost an hour now, Mom." I asked Mom, annoyed. Instead of spending my weekend in bed, I'm here, waiting for a stranger to come right at me.

Why did I agree in the first place? Why did I agree to be with a stranger for three fucking months?! I haven't even met the girl! I rolled my eyes. Moms and their powers.

"Now, Jennie Kim. Be. Nice." My mom said slowly, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. I'm always nice.

"It's just three months. And besides, she's my friend's daughter! I can't say no." Mom said, defending herself. Just three months. Yeah, sure. Three months of babysitting. 

"You'll pay me after three months, Mom. I am serious! I even don't know the girl!" I said tapping my foot on the ground. I probably look stupid because of what I'm holding right now. A paper that's written "KIM JISOO, NEW FRIEND HERE!" Mom ordered me to this. I hate this. If she's not in New Zealand right now, she'll be the one holding this.

"Pay, your ass. I am your beautiful and lovable mother, and you young lady got my beauty so suck it all up because you owe me everything." My mom ordered. I groaned. Ughhh. Her and her confidence in beauty.

I ended the call with an "alright" then I got back, looking for the girl. This is unbelievable.

A girl wearing an oversized shirt and a plain short came in view. She was smiling like crazy, like she just came out of a mental hospital yet I can't deny how beautiful her smile was. She whispered something to herself but I didn't hear it. What a weird beautiful girl.

She stopped right in front of me. "Hi there! I'm Kim Jisoo! And you are?" Oh, so she's Kim fucking Jisoo who made me wait for an hour.

I tried my best not to snap at her so I faked a smile. My oh so famous gummy smile. "Jennie. Jennie Kim." Then she took my hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you." So not nice to meet you. Go back to where you came from.

"Sorry for being late. There was traffic." I gave her a what-the-fuck look. Traffic? In mid air? You kidding me?

"Woah! It was a joke! Chill your horses." She said, hitting my shoulder while laughing.

I sarcasticly laughed. "Funny." Then I slapped her hand away from my shoulder. Who is she to touch my Gucci shirt?

"Grumpy grandma." I heard her whisper.

I let out a big sigh. "Okay, that's it. You are on your own. Goodbye." I said and started walking towards the exit.

She quickly followed me shouting "YAH! GRUMPY GRANDMA! JOKING HERE!" I hate her already. And to think that I'm staying with her throughout three months. Just fantastic.

I just continued walking, thinking that she's right behind me. But when I got out of the airport and turned around, no Kim fucking Jisoo around.

I groaned. Ugh! It was so simple to follow me and yet, she got lost! What is she? A puppy?

I entered again the airport, looking for the weird girl. She is so getting on my nerve.

My feet hurts now. I just wanna go home. God, help me.

It felt like God heard me because there, I saw her talking to a random guy. More like flirting.

I quickly walked towards them. Jisoo saw me, she even waved but I ignored her. I held her hand and dragged her, not even bothering to say hello to the guy.

I dragged her towards the exit and finally we got out.

"If you're gonna live with me, I have to make rules for you. Number 1, no talking to some random guy without my permission." I said, crossing my arms towards the girl. Jisoo just gave me a smile. Great, a psycho.

"Is this the part where we kiss?" She asked, giving me that perverted smile. I grossed out, pushing her away from me.

"First of all, Kim Jisoo--" I didn't get the chance to continue what I was saying because she interrupted me.

"Just Jisoo or Jichu. Whatever, just don't call me by my full name." My face twitched in annoyance. I need to get rid of this girl, fast.

"I am not lesbian nor bisexual so no freaking way that we're gonna kiss." I continued, snapping my finger at her.

She stepped forward, grinning like a maniac. I just raised an eyebrow at her. She quickly put her hand behind my neck and pulled me close. And this is how my beautiful nightmare starts.

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