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Jennie's POV

I plopped down on my bed with my phone on my hand. Jisoo is taking a shower here in my room so I'm just gonna do things on my phone so I won't get bored.

I mean, Jisoo is so unbelievable. There are many bathrooms in my house, yet she still chose to shower in mine. She is so thick faced. I have the urge to turn off the lights in my bathroom but I know that Jisoo will fight back and I don't want the rest of the month with her will be full of pranks. That would be exhausting so no thanks.

The8 sent you a message.

My messenger notified me. The8? I think I've heard that name before. Is it Minghao? Wait, we're already friends in facebook? How did that happen? I might hace added him on facebook when I was just little. I mean Minghao was so famous back on elementary days. We were not classmates but schoolmates.

I opened my messenger and on the first list of my messages lies Minghao's profile.

I clicked on it and I can't help but smile. This gay is hella funny.

YOOOO SIZZZ~ Was my acting worth it? 💆🏻‍♂️ That was so close. I almost had a heart attack when I saw a girl walking towards the parking lot.

I started typing with a smile still plastered on my face. When I was done, I clicked send.

You're acting was indeed worth it. I hope she didn't see that Jisoo and I were about to kiss 😩 I'm gonna be in big trouble if that happens.

Without wasting any second, Minghao replied fast. Wow, he's faster than a cheetah.

Bruhhhh... Let's just hope that she didn't see 💆🏻‍♂️ I mean if she did, then my acting would have gone to waste. Heck, I think I can even win an award with my acting skills.

I know the girl who almost saw us.

I should be worried, right? I mean, I know the girl and she might spread a rumor. Heck, she's maybe spreading it now. And she's that evil bitch's best friend.

Oh fuck, guuuuuurl. Whoooo? 🙊 Shit's getting suspense.

Seulgi. Kang Seulgi.

"Who's your chatmate?" I screamed while I let go of my phone because of shock.

Aish, this Jisoo is gonna be the death of me! I turned around, ready to shout at her face but what I saw almost made me have a heart attack. She's only wearing a towel for goodness sake!

Her red hair is still dripping wet because she only got out of the shower. The white towel hugged her flawless body so tight that I can see her curves. The towel didn't reach her knees so it is very short. Why didn't she just change in the bathroom?! This is making me upset.

"Are you done staring?" I looked up and saw Jisoo's smirk. I rolled my eyes because I was embarrassed. I'm probably red right now. Why is she like this? Why is she so confident and bold? Ugh!

"I wasn't staring." I denied even though I was already caught staring.

Then Jisoo flashed me her mischievous grin and without saying a word, she took off the towel which made my eyes widen in shock. She fucking didn't!

I quickly closed my eyes but it was already too late because I saw it all. I fucking saw everything. Fuck. So confident and so bold, Kim Jisoo.

Her skin looks like a pearl. So white and so flawless. And I swear, if you touch it, it will be smooth like touching the skin of a baby. I bet it smells good too. And tastes good. Shut the fuck up, pervy mind.

Her collarbone screams for me to kiss and bite it. It screams for me to leave love marks all over it. Collarbones make me weak. But nope, nope, nopeee! Today, I will conquer my weakness.

Her breasts looks perfect. It wasn't big and it wasn't small either. Just in between and her nipples look so pinkish, soft and yummy. Didn't I tell you to shut up, pervy mind? I want to suck it and lick it too. Nooooooooo! Stop. I am not a pervert. Oh really now? Shut uppp. I'm not a pervert.

Her curves and her abs... damn. I want to leave love marks on her abs-- wait. No, no, no! I didn't just think about that. What is wrong with me?!

And don't get me started at her private part. This girl is driving me nuts. I ran my hands to my face and started slapping myself. No, no more dirty thoughts, Jennie Kim! You are not like this! You are a woman of culture so stop.

"Let's continue what we were about to do earlier at the parking lot, shall we?" Jisoo asked, her husky voice brings music to my ears. I felt warm breaths against my lips. I bet her face is so close right now.

Without a second to lose, Jisoo crashed her lips to mine with so much hunger and passion. I want to open my eyes so badly but I can't. My virgin eyes are a goner. It's not a virgin anymore, you might lose your v-card sooner or later too.

When I didn't respond, Jisoo bit my lower lip which made me moan and that made her slip her tongue inside my mouth.

I felt warm skin against my thighs and it felt heavy. I felt her legs wrapped around my waist and that made me suffocated. Oh. My. God. This is not happening. This is so not happening. I don't need to open my eyes to see but I know that Jisoo just sat on my lap, naked. I am feeling her butt cheeks against my thighs. I think I'm gonna faint.

I lifted my hands and touched Jisoo's shoulder which by the way is still wet. Her body is still wet because of the shower and this girl had the guts to sit on my lap.

I pushed her slowly. "Jisoo, we can't." My voice croaked. Why did you make her stop?! Stupid girl. Shut up, inner mind. You are not helping.

"We can." Jisoo huskily said while tracing her fingers against my jaw. "The rules." My voice came out low so I hope that she heard me. Good thing I didn't stutter. Stop being so hard to get because we know that you want this. That's it, pervy mind! I am gonna block you out.

Jisoo then touched one of my hand and moved it to her breast which made me gasped. "Then bend the rules for me, love." Her voice came out soft and angelic but seductive.

What Jisoo said made me open my eyes and there, I met brown eyes full of sincerity, love and longing. So I can't help it but to say yes. Yes to my beautiful nightmare.

Fine, this time, I'll break my rules for you.

Without saying a word, I put my other hand on Jisoo's nape and pulled her towards me, crashing her lips to mine. Don't make me regret this because I don't break rules until I met you.

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