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Jennie's POV

"Wake up, dipshit. Today is the first day of school." I groaned while pulling  Jisoo's blanket out of her, exposing her legs. Gosh, why is she wearing only an underwear when sleeping?!

I put back the blanket, face palming myself. "Gosh woman! Ever heard of pajamas?" Then I walked out, closing the door with a 'bang'.

It's been awkward between us since the Vernon accident. I don't even know how to talk to her.

I walked into my room, going to the bathroom and shutting the door silently. I started singing while taking off my clothes and started to shower.

"I don't want to see Vernon. Ugh!" I started talking to myself while putting shampoo in my hair. "What would I say to him? Hey? How are you? Ugh! So lame, Jennie."

"I mean, are we done? Wait. We didn't even start dating yet." I walked out of the bathroom with only a towel on.

I put on my bra and my panty then started hair blowing my hair. "At least I'm gonna see Rosie and Lisa."

"Hey, aren't you done yet? I'm starving!" Jisoo walked in, mouth hanging open while staring at my body from head to toe.

She smirked, placing her fingers on her chin. "Interesting. You're turning me on when you're not even doing a thing."

I turned red, and threw a pillow at her. "GET AWAY YOU PERVERT! Ever heard of knocking?! Get out!"

"Ever heard of locking the door?" She laughed while closing the door. I was embarassed big time. How dare she...

"UGHHH!!!!" I shouted while punching my pillow. I hate her, I hate her, I so fucking hate her. That bitch, that witch needs to be really gone ASAP!

I went to the kitchen, preparing our breakfast without having an eye contact with her. Because if I did, my mom will see that bitch hanging in the ceiling.

"Ignoring me huh?" She asked, smirking. I know she's smirking even though I'm not looking at her.

I started frying the eggs then I felt something warm behind me. "You shouldn't be like that babe. You're hurting me." She back hugged me and buried her face on my neck.

I admit, this is kinda sweet coz my anger is now gone. She kissed my neck which sent sparks all over my body.

"You're scary when you're mad." She said and went back to her seat.

Once I finished cooking, we ate fast because we are gonna be late.

"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?! SLOW DOWN! SLOW DOWN!" Jisoo screamed while I still drove fast.


"What do you mean late?! We still have 20 minutes!"

"Oh shut up!"

"You and your dirty mouth. If you don't stop cursing, Imma gonna clean your mouth with a kiss."

I accidentally hit the brakes which cause a traffic. "Stop flirting with me!" Then I started to drive again.

Jisoo took off her seatbelt then I parked the car. I was about to get out but she grabbed my face and kissed me AGAIN. My mouth fell open because of shock and that gave her an opportunity to slip her tongue on my mouth. I've got to admit, she tastes sweet like a candy.

"One curse word, one kiss. Remember that, Kim Jennie." She smirked then she left. I touched my lips. I don't know what entered my mind that moment but I want her to kiss me again like she owns me.

I'm going crazy.

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