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Jisoo's POV

"I hate mondays." Jennie muttered while coming out of the car which I heard. She started groaning while stomping her foot. "I wanna go back and just sleep." She said, rubbing her eyes. I don't know about you but I'm seeing an angry cat here. An angry cute cat.

"Just bear with it and get through the day." I said while opening the car and getting out of it.

"Yeah, sure. Let's just say that I got over it and then tuesday comes." Jennie said slowly with a horrified look on her face. She made it sound like she's a narrator in a horror movie. I playfully rolled my eyes at her. What a dork.

I slowly walked towards her then snaked my arms to her waist, hugging her back. I kissed her neck and sniffed it. "Let's just get through this, love." I whispered in her ear which made her tensed.

"Kim Jisoo." She said softly but I just continued kissing and biting her neck. "Stop turning me on and someone might see us." Her voice was high and shaky so I chuckled.

I let go of her and kissed her on the cheek. "Chill, babe." Jennie rolled her eyes and slapped my shoulder which made me yelped.

"Ouch?" I said but she just walked away with her hips swinging then she flipped her hair and winked at me. This girl is so extra today.

"Wait up!" I said and started running after her.

When we entered the campus, it was unusually so noisy. Girls talking to each other so loudly and the guys too. Gossips everywhere and I have this urge to just put my hands on my ears and block the noise.

From the end of the hallway, I saw Lisa and Chaeyoung talking to Bomi unnie and Namjoo. What's going on here?

Jennie and I walked towards them and when they saw us, Namjoo pulled Jennie towards her.

"Have you heard? That one of the most famous guys in Prestin University just transfered here?" Prestin Unuversity is one of the top 10 universities here. Yeah, sure. Our school is famous but it can't beat that university.

Jennie frowned and asked, "Who?" I tilted my head to stare at Chaeyoung and I noticed something on her neck. It was red but because of make up, it's not that visible.

Then my eyes went to Lisa. Lisa was wearing a croptop with a high waisted pants. I noticed that Lisa's back has some scratches on it but it's barely visible. Then my eyes went back to Chaeyoung.

I smiled mischievously. Ha! They've done it. I wonder when and how. I mean, look at Chaeyoung! She looks so innocent, pure and so religious. Maybe she's whipped for Lisa. I think Lisa's Dom and Chae's Sub. Do you agree with me?

"What are you smiling at?" Jennie suddenly whispered to me out of nowhere which made me jump in surprise. So everyone turned their heads toward me.

I elbowed Jennie and hushed her. "Anyways, from the gossips I've heard. You know Seventeen? The boy group with handsome boys in it? You know, back in our elementary days?" Namjoo said which made everyone think of their childhood.

I didn't go to elementary here so I don't know what they are talking about. When I was 6, my mom and I went abroad to live with my dad and after so many years, I'm back in Korea.

"You mean, Vernon and his friends?" Jennie asked with venom in her voice. I mean, ewww. Vernon? Major turn off people. I'd rather marry a rock than marry him.

"Uh-huh. So one of the member of Seventeen transfered here!" Wait, wait. Is Minghao the one they're talking about?

"I don't know which one though." Namjoo said while looking up, maybe thinking if she heard the name of the transferee.

I slowly walked to the space in the center between Chaeyoung and Lisa. The two didn't find it weird because they're still listening to Namjoo's gossips.

I held Lisa's arm and pulled her towards me so I can whisper in her ear. Lisa was surprised so I whispered fast. "Lisa, you might want to change your top. I can see the scratches." She started turning red and I have to hold in my laugh.

"I have an extra shirt in my locker. Go move, now." Lisa nodded and was about to go but I stopped her. "Also, take Chaeyoung with you. I can see the hickey in her neck." Lisa turned redder. I glanced at Chaeyoung and her forehead was creased. Maybe she was confused because me and her girlfriend are whispering to each other.

Lisa moved towards Chaeyoung and pulled her, going to my locker. They're so cuteeee. I envy them because they've done it. I want to do it with Jennie too! Do you know how hard it is to control your hormones? What if you're horny all the time? Okay, no. Don't tell me to use sex toys. Nope, nope, nope. Stop.

Oh my gosh. I can't get it off my head. My mind is going nuts. Suddenly a dildo popped into my head and I had to slap my forehead to make it disappear which made Bomi unnie laugh. "Are you okay?" She asked me and I laughed too.

"I was just having a moment unnie." I glanced at Jennie and she has this what-the-fuck-were-you-doing-bitch look on her face. I can't tell her that Oh I just imagined a dildo in my head. That will be weird. And dildos are weird. Like seriously.

Why am I talking about dildos with you guys again? Have I gone nuts because of my hormones?

I badly need to get laid. I thought.

Lisa and Chaeyoung came running back with my Adventure Time shirt on Lisa's. I glanced at Chaeyoung's neck and I saw a band-aid. The hickey was small anyways so that could work but people will ask what happened to her neck. She could just lie though. Can Park Chaeyoung even lie?

I felt a small pain on my arm and when I turned around, Jennie was looking at me intensely. She just pinched me.

"Stop looking at Rosie and Lisa. Start looking at me." She mumbled but I completely heard it.

I smiled which made Jennie roll her eyes and turn red. Awwww. My girlfriend is jealous and embarrassed.

I don't care who the transferee is, it's probably Minghao anyways, because I'd rather stare at my girlfriend all day.

Staring at her all day might trigger my hormones so welp. Good luck to me.

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