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Jennie's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. I was covered in sweat like I ran a 100 miles. My hands were shaking and tears are about to fall. Another bad dream about Vernon. When will this dreams end? Like it's been 3 weeks already, give me a break.

I got up, put on my fluffy slippers and started walking towards the kitchen.

If it wasn't Vernon I was dreaming about, it will be Jisoo. It's either the two of them. Can't I have dreams about flying, being in the ocean or even cooking? I'm getting sick of my dreams.

As I stepped on the kitchen, I switched on the lights and went to the fridge. I opened it and took a pitcher out of it. I slowly walked towards the cups and took one.

As I drink my water, I heard something from the living room. Like a tiny scratch. I quickly started drinking my water because the scratches are getting nearer.

As I put back the pitcher in the fridge and put the cup in the sink, I was about to start running like Flash but a pale lady with black hair appeared in the kitchen and I can't help but scream.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! GO AWAY GHOST!" I said with my eyes closed and my hands started attacking the air. What am I doing with my life?

I was expecting a horrifying sound but instead it was a cute chuckle. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jisoo smiling cutely with my dog, Kuma.

"What are you doing? Practicing exorcism at 12 am?" She asked and started walking towards me. Kuma followed with his small barks. I'm gonna kill these two tomorrow.

Jisoo reached for my face and had this worried look on her face. "Have you been crying babe?" She asked tilting my head to the side to get a clearer view.

"No..." I lied.

"Your eyes are still red. Don't you dare lie to me, Jennie Kim." She said then started pinching my cheeks.

"Eeth huuuuu--rtssss y-yuuu psyyyy---kkooo." I started slapping her hands away. Ouch, my cheeks. I looked at her angrily and started slapping her shoulder.

"Is my poor baby hurt?" She asked chuckling. I pinched her thigh which she yelped in response.

"What was that for?" I started massaging my cheeks and she started rubbing her thigh.

"You lied." She flat out said, still rubbing her thigh and not wanting to meet my eyes.

"So? I lie all the time." I started playing with Kuma because he's just looking at the two of us.

"I hate liars." I looked up and she was leaning on the desk, her eyes are dull and she was looking at me straight.

"So you hate me?" I asked, still petting Kuma.

"Right now, yes."


"Because you won't tell why you cried." She crossed her arms like she's my mom.

"It's nothing important, Jisoo."

"Everything is important if it's about you." I looked up and she quickly avoided my eyes. Her cheeks were starting to get red and she closed her eyes because of embarrassment.

I got up, slowly went towards her. I reached for her face and I started to move it to face me. Now we are face to face but her eyes are looking at anything except my gaze.

"With all the corny lines you said to me, what you said earlier is my favorite." I said and her cheeks started getting redder. Awwww, my baby is so cute.

I started wrapping my arms around her neck and looked at her lips. For fuck's sake, it's 12 in the morning and my hormones are getting crazy. Her lips are seducing me. Like literally seducing me.

Her lips formed a smirk. "Kiss me." Jisoo huskily said. Without a second thought, I crashed my lips to hers. Her hands snaked towards my waist.

It was a passionate kiss, no tongue involve. We were so lost in the moment. Before I know it, my mouth went to Jisoo's neck and started biting and licking it. It's like my body has a mind on it's own.

I started hearing Jisoo's soft moans. Music to my ears. My hands snaked on her waist and started touching every part of her upper body.

I was satisfied when I saw the hickeys on her neck. Jisoo was breathing heavily when I backed away.

"You rapist." She breathed out. She's still red and I can't help but smile.

"You have adorable moans." I said and she got even redder if that's even possible.

She put her hands on her face and mumbled, "I hate you."

"Why? Because I'm a liar?"

"No! Because you made me wet and horny and I can't have sex with you because it's in your damn fucking rules!" She shouted angrily but cutely. I think I broke her lmao.

"That's not my fault." I chuckled.

"It is!"



We stopped bickering when we heard scratches outside the kitchen window. We both looked at each other and without a second thought, we sprinted towards the stairs.

I stopped running when I realized something. "We forgot to turn off the lights and Kuma!"

I quickly ran back the kitchen, carried Kuma and when I switched off the lights, I run like I was in a zombie apocalypse.

"AHHHHH!!!" Jisoo screamed with me until we went inside Jisoo's room and locked it.

We leaned at the door and slowly slide our backs until our butts hit the floor.

"So you wanna tell me now why you cried?" Jisoo said with heavy breaths.

Instead of saying why I cried, different words came out of my mouth. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Jisoo was confused by the sudden change of topic. "Uhm sure but--" I know she will still ask so I cut her off.

"I keep having bad dreams about Vernon and I'm scared." I finally said.

Jisoo wrapped her arms around me. "Well, don't be because I'm here."

I chuckled. "Your I'll protect you vibe is showing but earlier when we heard scratches outside, you were like 'you're on your own bitch'."

"Shut up, Jennie Kim."

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