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Jennie's POV

That b*tch really kissed me straight to my lips! It was my first time getting kissed by a girl, to a stranger to be exact! How could she! And for Pete's sake, she kissed me outside the airport! I hate this! I hate her! I want her out of my life!

'Too bad you'll be stuck with her within 3 months' My inner mind said. I groaned inwardly, I need to get rid of her. And fast.

"What you thinking?" Speaking of the devil. I looked up and gave her the best fake smile I can master.

"Just shut up and mind your own business." Then my attention went back to the book I'm reading. I flipped the page over and again and again and again. But the girl in front of me is still there.

I looked up again, looking annoyed. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. I just enjoy staring at you." Then she flashed me her breath taking smile. How can someone be that beautiful? Wait what? Beautiful?! Her?! Ewwwww! No! She's a devil!

"Staring at me?"

"Who wouldn't? You're a piece of art!" She exclaimed. I looked away and felt heat rising up my face.

"Ehemmmm..." She cleared her throat. "Blushing..." She said while rubbing her nape.

"Am not!"

"You are!"

"Am not!"

"You are!"

"If you don't shut up, I swear to god, you won't see tomorrow!" I warned her while trying my best not to kick her.

She was about to say something but my phone rang. "Excuse me." I took my phone with me and went outside to the veranda.

It was my mom calling. "Hello ma?"

"So how'd it go?" Oh your daughter got kissed by your friend's daughter! Isn't that fantastic? "Fine, I guess."

"Isn't she pretty?" I can feel my mom's excitement through her voice.

"She's like an angel sent from above." My mom continued.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "More like thrown from above."


"Oh nothing. She's... nice." I almost choke out the last word.

"Good good. Be gentle, okay? And ohhh right, control yourself."

I frowned. "Control myself? Why?"

"Maybe next time, when I call, you won't be straight anymore. I mean, come on! She's hot!" Sometimes I wish my mom would just shut up. She talks like she's just around my age.

"Want me to throw her to a pool? That would make her cold." I sarcasticly said while looking at my nails.

"Jennie Kim!" My mom groaned. "Just go inside, you're stressing me out."

I laughed. "Oh mother, I think it's the other way around. Good bye. Love lots." Then I ended the call before she starts bickering.

I went inside and no Kim fucking Jisoo. Yas! She went back to her room, fixing her things! Finally, peace at last!

"Looking for me?" Great, I spoke too soon. The devil went out the kitchen, holding chips. That's my chips, that's my food. How dare she!

"That's mine." I growled, glaring at her. This is war.

"I'm all yours, honey bunch." I cringed at what she said and it doubled because of what she called me. Honey bunch?! Disgusting!

"That's it! I am so done with you." I said as I walked through the stairs, holding my hands up like a police caught me doing bad things.

"Where are you going? I'm not done yet!" She called out but I ignored her.

Just her first day here but she's already making my life miserable.


#GoddessJisooDay 💜🎉🎁🎊

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