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Jennie's POV

Throughout the week, Jisoo and I didn't talk to each other. We're having a cold war and I think the first one who talks will be the loser. With the cold war, I didn't notice the days and guess what? It's already the weekend. Jisoo and I didn't talk for three days. Three fucking days. It was torture every time we're going and leaving to school because I still have to drive her and if I didn't, she'll call mom. The bitch's blackmailing me using text.

I woke up with a big smile on my face. Today is the day I'm gonna find my dream gown and I won't let a Kim Jisoo ruin my day.

I stood up and was about to go to the bathroom but someone knocked at my door. I spoke too soon. Don't tell me that's Kim Jisoo behind my door.

I walked towards the door and did the sign of the cross before opening it, praying that it's not Kim Jisoo. On the positive side, if Jisoo talks to me then I'll be the winner.

I put my hand on the door knob and closed my eyes then I opened it. Silence filled my room. Should I peek?

"Unnie, what are you doing?" Rosie's voice welcomed me. So it' s not Kim fucking Jisoo, yes! I opened my eyes and relief flooded my face. It's just Rosie and Lisa looking at me weirdly. So early in the morning and yet, I got to hear Rosie's accent.

"Oh, nothing. I just prayed that you guys aren't Kim Jisoo." I said while I pulled the two of them inside my room then locked the door. I can't let any evil spirit go inside my room again because I didn't lock the door. Yes, the evil spirit is Kim Jisoo.

"You guys are still fighting?" Lisa asked with a what-the-fuck look plastered on her face.

"What do you expect? My pride is big. But guess what? Jisoo's pride is bigger." I scoffed as I plopped down in my bed while the two did the same.

I turned my head to look at them, confusion was written all over my face. "How did you guys get in my house anyway?" I asked, suspecting them that they broke the door or something.

"Jisoo unnie let us in." Rosie said while looking up the ceiling.

"Keep talking." I said to her which made Rosie turn her head to face me.

Rosie chuckled and asked, "Why?"

"Because your accent is making me fall in love." Lisa suddenly attacked me with a pillow.

I turned my head to face her and glared at her. She glared back with a raised eyebrow. "That's my girlfriend." Lisa said which made me roll my eyes. So possessive.

I stood up and said, "So corny, Manoban." Without looking back, I walked towards the bathroom.

Before going in, I heard Rosie slapping Lisa's butt which made Lisa yelp then they become quiet. Ughhhh. Don't tell me Lisa kissed Rosie. I'm scared that when I walked out of the bathroom, I might see them naked.

They won't have sex on my bed, right? Right, guys? Reassure me here.

You know what? Whatever. It's not like my bed is virgin anyways. Jisoo and I tainted it already...

Hmmm, whatever. I'm just gonna take my shower and act like everything's alright even if it's not. I just have to put my foot in front of the other and get through the day. That's what Meredith Grey always say from the series Grey's Anatomy.

Minutes later, I'm already done showering so I took my towel and wrapped it around my body. I took the air refreshener from the side of the sink. You know, in case I walk out and see Lisa and Rosie naked and on top of each other, I'll spray this to them.

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