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Jisoo's POV

Just like what Ate Nicole always says whenever we do something nerve-racking, "This is it pancit". Today is the day of our prom. This is the third prom I'm going to. I mentally face palmed myself for remembering that I failed one subject last school year. Look on the bright side, at least you get to experience prom again. I hate you, positive vibes.

I checked myself on the mirror one last time before going out of my room. I'm already wearing my gown and a cute heels that could put you in a grave. I'm not joking. Heels are beautiful but deadly. Imagine a girl with a an angelic face but with a demonic attitude, that, my friend, is how heels feel like. My heels matches the color of my gown. My make-up is only light because I don't want to look like a slut going to prom. But you are a slut. Shut up, you.

I just wanna wear rubber shoes tonight. I mean, come on guys. My gown is long so they won't see my heels. So if I wear rubber shoes, I will not get scolded by the teachers. But then, my money will go to waste if I wear a rubber shoes. My heels are kinda expensive so I think I'm just gonna continue wearing it even if it feels like hell.

I walked out of my room and went down the stairs to go to the living room, waiting patiently for Jennie

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I walked out of my room and went down the stairs to go to the living room, waiting patiently for Jennie. I might faint if I see her with her gown and all. Can I take it? I might really faint though. She's not even here yet, but my heart is beating loudly in my chest. Calm down, self. If I continue being like this, I might end up in a hospital.

We don't have a prom date. It's not like in America that a guy will ask you to be his prom date. Here, it's different. The boys and the girls will form a line later and whoever is in front of you, will be your partner for the night. Because if we do it like in America, the girls who didn't get ask out will be lonely and they might not go to prom if that happens. So I kinda like the idea of it. It benefits everyone.

I just hope that Minghao will not be my prom date. He's already my partner in the cotillion so nope. 50 50 chance because he's my classmate and I'm praying that he will not be my partner  for the night. LORD, PLEASE. HEAR MY PRAYER.

I heard a door closed, signalling me that Jennie just got out of her room. Omygod, ohmygod, ohmygod, OHMYGOOOOOD. Heart, stop beating so fast damn it! You didn't even see her yet!

I heard heels clacking then Jennie appeared in the view with a resting bitch face. She's wearing her red gown with black in it and I think she's wearing heels that is so high, it made her look tall. I can't see her heels because her gown is long so I'm not sure. She has a red lipstick on and her eyeshadow is a combination of black? Or is it brown? and silver. Did I mention that her lips are very red? Why did she choose that shade of lipstick?!

 Did I mention that her lips are very red? Why did she choose that shade of lipstick?!

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