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Jisoo's POV

I walked out of room with the suitcase in my hand. I glanced at Jennie's room and sighed. She won't even come out to say goodbye huh? I closed my eyes and sighed, why did I hope anyway?

A car's horn was heard outside of Jennie's house. That must be Lisa and Chaeng. I quickly went down the stairs, not minding that my suitcase is heavy.

I went out of the door and Lisa's car welcomed me, Lisa's the driver while Chaeyoung is on the shotgun. I opened the door and went it. I sighed again. I feel heavy. Empty to be exact. I feel empty but why is it heavy? I'm always sighing. And who's the cause of it? Of course, the oh-so-famous Jennie Kim.

To be honest, I didn't see this coming. My plan is all inside my head and it was really going smoothly until Jennie ruined it. She really said to my mom that she won't break my heart. She really said that and now, I'm thinking if all she said to me were all lies. She's a great liar, isn't she?

As I closed the door, Chaeyoung spoke, "Unnie, are you okay?" I looked at her and smiled. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked but in reality, my heart hurts. Let me rephrase that, everything hurts.

I'm not okay. I just got rejected yesterday and what's worse? Her lies. Her mouth said no but her eyes tell a different story. Why is she fighting with herself like that? Sometimes it's okay to just let it be. To let it all happen. Why is she fighting fate?

"We only have a month left in school. Why don't you stay a little longer? Finish the school year." Lisa suggested, making me glance at her.

"I already took the finals in advance so nope. I'm not going back there." I said, remembering that I took my finals before prom. I almost cried while taking the test because I don't have anyone around to ask for the answers. It was just me in an empty classroom. No teamwork, no unity and it sucks. At least I passed.

Lisa glanced at me in the rear-view mirror before turning on the engine. I slumped down in my seat then started looking at the window, praying to God to make this day go quicker.

Lisa drove off but in the corner of my eye, I keep seeing that Lisa and Chaeng are having an argument. Chaeyoung is slapping Lisa's shoulder while Lisa keeps on shrugging Chaeng's hands off. They keep whispering to each other like something is up. Are they having a lover's quarrel?

"Unnie, don't be sad. Something good is gonna happen later." Lisa said, making Chaeyoung face palmed herself. "I can feel it." Lisa added, making me smile a little.

This trip will be 30 minutes or more so I took my earphones out and started playing music while staring out of the window, imagining that I'm in a music video of my own.

Minutes later, Lisa parked the car in front of the airport and I got out with my suitcase. I closed the door and gave thanks to the two while they waved me off.

I went in the airport while I took my passport out of my sling bag. I quickly bought a ticket for the flight for New Zealand and my flight will be 10am. I checked my watch and it's only 9:30 in the morning.

I started walking towards where the airplane is. I gave my ticket to the lady and started walking to the long hallway then an airplane came to view. The sunlight blinded my eyes so I put my hand on my forehead to block it.

I walked up the stairs and entered the airplane. It wasn't that crowded so I quickly found a seat beside a girl who I think is the same age as me. She's wearing a glasses and a cap... Also a mask. She's strangely weird. Is she an idol or something? She had her head down and her cheek is resting on her palm, asleep maybe?

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