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Jisoo's POV

"We should get going to class." I said to my friends because they are still gossiping. I'm not interested anyways because I know that the transferee will be Minghao. And hot guys? Not my thing.

I want to shout at my friends and tell them that he's gay but it's not my story to tell. He'll come out if he wants to come out. Coming out takes time. And besides, it's his private life so it doesn't matter if he tells to the public if he's gay or not. He can just keep it to himself.

Namjoo was about to argue but then the bell rang, telling us that the first period is about to start. Crap, all of these gossips made me forget what time it is. We all said good byes to each other and all of us started running towards our classes. First period in Monday is kinda hell. The teacher is strict in handling late comers and I don't want to be a late comer. I'd rather be a cummer. You know what? Nevermind.

Jennie is right in front of me, running for her life also but then I noticed something on her pants. I think there's a stain on the lower butt part of the pants. Is it a stain? But it's red. Don't tell me she sat at a ketchup earlier.

Wait, wait. Red stain, lower butt, and she's wearing a white pants for Pete's sake! Don't tell me she's on her period?!

I quickly held her on her wrist and stopped her from running. Jennie turned around to face me with her annoyed face, ready to scream at me.

"Are you on your period?" I asked quietly with a frown on my face. Jennie's annoyed face faded, it was replaced by a worried one.

"Why? Don't tell m--" I cut her off. "There's a red stain on your pants." Jennie's eyes got flooded with panic. Sweat started forming on her forehead and I can tell that she didn't see this coming.

I turned her around so I can face her back and snaked my arms to her waist, hugging her back. Jennie's body stiffened while I placed my chin on her shoulder. The advantage of being taller than her.

"What are you doing? It's not the time to flirt." Jennie said with a clenched jaw. We're gonna be late on our first period, hell, I think we're gonna skip class.

"I know. So walk slowly towards the comfort room. I'll hide your stain." There are still many students in the hallways so I just gotta act fast. Back hugging her was the only solution that popped into my head. I don't have my jacket with me today so I can't tie it in her waist. It's better to do this than someone seeing her stains. That would be embarrassing.

Do you know how embarrassing it is for a girl to have a blood stain in her butt because she doesn't know that her period is gonna come? It's like a surprise for us sometimes. Sometimes we can feel it coming because it hurts like hell and sometimes it will come out of nowhere. Like the menstruation is telling us, "Go die in pain" or "Surprise bitch, I'm back". Such a pain to be honest. I wish boys have menstruation too.

Jennie started walking while I started sniffing her scent. She smells so good. If I were a vampire, I would make her my human wife so I can bite her and you know~ Okay, dirty thoughts; get out.

People who are running would turn and look at us with a weird face then they go back to running. People who are just standing would turn and look too with a confused look on their faces.

Is this really unusual? I mean, I've done this once with my big sister. Well, people knew that we're sisters so it's not that weird. Maybe doing this with Jennie made them think of that we're dating or something. That would be bad if rumors start spreading. It will affect our deal.

Anyways, smelling Jennie like this makes me want to push her to a corner and kiss her. Do you know what I mean? I'm such a pervert. I hate myself.

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