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Jisoo's POV

And I was right, it became a big news. Rumors spreaded like a wildfire saying that Jennie is bisexual. Some says she's a lesbian. The main rumor is that Jennie is dating me. Some even posted our picture while dancing on facebook saying that he was suspicious at first because me and Jen are always together then he was right, that we are dating.

It's been two days since the prom happened and Jennie didn't go out of her room ever since. I think she only goes out at midnight to eat food. I tried giving her breakfast, lunch and dinner but she didn't even open the door once.

She's not okay and I am worried. Tomorrow will be my flight and I'm having second thoughts if I should stay for another week but mom will be angry.

So now, I'm standing here, in front of Jennie's door. I breathed in and knocked, "Jen, please. Let's talk." I pleaded but no response.

I continued knocking, hoping that she'll open the door if I annoy her. From the other side of the door, Jennie said, "Go away."

"I won't until you open the door." Call me hard headed or what, I just wanna make sure that my baby's alright.

"Then rot there. I won't fucking open the door." Jennie said angrily which made me step back from the door.

Then an idea popped into my head. She's gonna kill me after this though but she might like it because she loves disney! I mean, come on, who doesn't?

I knocked at the door again, then I breathed in. Here goes. "Jennie? Do you want to build a snowman?" I sang happily like a kid. I'm such a dork. I hate myself.

"Come on, let's go and plaaaaay!" I sang harder to annoy Jennie more so she can open the door.

"I never see you anymore." I sadly sang. It's the truth though. I never see her anymore and I still have a day left before my flight and yet, she's ignoring me like I don't exist. She's mean but I love her.

"Come out the door." I sang with a begging tone. "PLEASE." I added making me face palm myself. I ruined the lyrics. I probably look like an idiot now.

"It's like you've gone awaaaay!" Then a noise from the door came, like someone threw something at the door, making the door move forward then backward because of the impact.

"GO THE FUCK AWAY, JISOO!" Jennie shouted making me sad. We were just fine days ago, what happened? What's happening to us?

I sighed then continued singing, "Jennie, please I know you're in there." I sang as I walked foward towards the door.

I slowly held the door knob and rested my forehead to the door. "People are asking where you've been." I continued singing while closing my eyes.

"They say, 'have courage' and I'm trying to." I even called Lisa and Chaeng to come over here, to help Jen but with no luck, she didn't also open the door for them. Both of them said that I should give her time to open up but I don't have it. I don't have time. I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm running out of time.

"I'm right out here for you. Just let me in..." I begged. I'm always here for you but why won't you let me in? Is it that hard? To let someone in in your life? Because what? She's scared that I might break what she spent years to build? I'm not gonna break anything!

"We only have each other. It's just you and me." I sadly sang while I started knocking again. "What are we gonna do?" I felt hopeless. I think I found my answer after three months. She's gonna say no. I failed.

I looked up and started knocking at the door, furiously. "You said you won't break my heart! You're a liar!" I shouted, angrily.

Then the door swung open. "Call me a liar all you want! Our contract has expired!" Jennie's eyes and nose are puffy and red. She look like she cried for days.

"Your three months just ended so go!" Jennie shouted, pushing me in my shoulder. "Leave!" She said with hatred on her voice.

"You can't just say that!" I argued back as I slapped her hands away from my shoulder.

"I already did!" She shouted and tears started falling down from her eyes again. Seeing her cry breaks my heart. Her tears are my weakness.

I reached out my hand to touch her face but she stepped back then slapped my hand away. "You can't mean that." I said, tears started forming from the corner of my eyes, threatening to fall.

"I mean it." Jennie said without looking at my eyes. "Then why are you crying?" Jennie stared at me then another tear fell.

"Because of the rumors." She said flatly. I know it was a shock but come on, we saw this coming. Maybe, she's not ready to come out yet. Fuck what others think. She looked happy that night, she looked so content. And the moment she took my hand, she knew that rumors will spread. Why is she lying?

I snickered and crossed my arms, "Why are you lying?"

"I'm not lying!" She defended herself while tears fell down again from her eyes.

"So you just want me to take my flight and go back?!" I didn't mean to shout at her but she's hurting my feelings. She's breaking my heart.

"Yes! I didn't want you and I don't need you." Jennie gulped then bit her lower lip, trying to stop the tears from falling.

I ran my fingers through my hair, angrily. "So what are you saying?! That the moments we spent together are all lies?!" We had many dates, we kissed, we fucked, we laughed and she's saying that she didn't want me? She doesn't need me?

"YES!" Jennie lied again, making me rub my face with both of my hands. I'm so stressed and angry at the moment but I can't do anything but to control my anger.

I put down my hands and stared at her. Her eyes didn't look like a universe now. It looks like a dead planet, searching for sunlight. "You know what?" I asked then snickered. "I'm done with you." I continued, making Jennie sighed.

"Good." Jennie said then she turned around, ready to close the door. "You want an answer after three months? My answer is no so go. Leave." She added before she could close the door, I spoke.

"Just make sure that all you said weren't lies because I'm not going back." I lastly said before walking away while tears started falling from my eyes.

She promised my mom that she won't break my heart. She's a fucking liar and I hate liars.


Last chapter will be the next one.

Living with a Stranger ❥ jensooWhere stories live. Discover now