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Jisoo's POV

"Hey, lemme drive." Me and Jen are already inside her car. I'm putting my seat belt on while begging her to let me drive this time.

"Do you even have a license?" She asked me while raising her other eyebrow at me.

"Yes...?" I absently said. She gave me that I-am-doubting-you look then she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't lie to me, Kim Jisoo. I know when you lie." She scoffed then she started the engine.

I slouched back in my seat while my arms are folded. How can you love someone and hate them at the same time? This girl doesn't even trust meeeee. Well, I really don't have a license buttttt ughhhh.

I pouted while looking at her. "Don't give me that look." She side glanced me while driving.

"Oh? Why? Is it making you uncomfortable?" I continued looking at her and this time, the look I'm giving her is x2 intense than the other one.

"Stop. Like seriously." She slapped my arm using her right hand then she quickly put it back on the steering wheel.

"Call me babe or baby first. Love or honey works for me too." I smirked, raising my eyebrow at her. Mimicking her actions earlier.

She rolled her eyes at me and did I just see that she smiled lightly but she quickly wiped it off? Did I see it correctly? Did I? Did I???

"I already did though." She said, giving me a side glance with that icy stare of her.

I gave her a confused look. "Really? When?" I don't recall her calling me affectionate names like that. I only recall her calling me Jisoo, Kim Jisoo and even a pervert. And I think she called me bitch but on her mind only. Why would I know that? It's simple, whenever she looks at me back on those days that we're not that close, she gives me the this-bitch-needs-to-get-out-of-my-house-ASAP. I mean, it's so damn obvious.

"Just in my mind though." She smirked while looking at the road.

"Why don't you call me baby now?" I pouted, touching her thigh on the process.

"I don't want to." She slapped my hand away.

"Why? Whyyyyy? Whyyyyy???" I put back my hand on her thigh and her forehead creased.

"Because you're a bad girl." She slapped my hand away again and her face gave a relieved look.

"I'm not!" I put it back again and this time, she got annoyed.

"Yes, you are! And can you pleaseeeeee stop putting your hand on my thigh?" She shouted but didn't slap my hand away.

"Why?" I asked her curiously.

"Because it's distracting me!" She squeaked, looking at me with panic in her eyes.

I smirked because I understood what she just said. "Oh~ it's distracting you?" I slowly drew circles on her thighs, teasing her.

She gasped. "Jisoo, stop." My hand slowly went up to her thigh and every second, her breathing becomes faster.

"Ji-jisoo please." She begged, letting go of the steering wheel and putting it on the top of my hand.

"Say 'Baby please' or 'Love, stop." My smirk grew wider. Her cheeks are starting to turn pink because of blush.

She side glanced me. "Are you serious?"

I moved again my hand up and this time it is so close to her center. That made her panic.

"Okay, okay! Fine, you win!" She said, pinching my hand which made me scream in pain.

God, this woman is so sadistic! "Love, please stop." She said it on a low and soft voice and that made my heart start beating so fast.

Her voice was so cuteeeeee. The way she said Love melted my heartttt. I want her to call me Love always.

"Stop smiling like an idiot." She said, pinching again my hand. I screamed again but it didn't wipe off my smile.

"I can't help it! I'm... What's the word again? Kinikilig? I'm kinikilig!" I said, covering my face with my hands because I know for sure that I'm blushing.

"Kinikilig? What's that even mean?" Jennie asked curiously.

"It's like I feel gooey? I had butterflies? Something like that. It's a filipino word." I said, uncovering my face and meeting her eye contact.

"And where did you learn that word?" She asked, returning her gaze back at the road. Awww, I suddenly missed her icy stare.

"From a filipino friend." Her forehead creased.

"A girl or a boy?" Why does that even matter?

My forehead creased. "A girl, why?" She slowly rolled her eyes. Wait, wait, wait. Is that jealousy I see?

"Oh, I see."Her expression turned blank and her bitchy attitude came back.

"Are you jealous?" I smiled, looking at her.

I'm waiting for her to look at me but she didn't. "No, why would I be? Duh." She rolled her eyes again and I definitely see jealousy here people. Do you see it too?

"Stop lying." I poked her side, feeling her rib.

"I am not lying!" She continued arguing so I argued back. "Yes, you are!"

"No, I'm not! Duh! Why would I be jealous?" She finally looked at me and I gave her a genuine smile.

"Because eyes never lie, Jennie Kim. And right now, the only thing I see in your eyes is jealousy." She turned the car and parked it. I didn't realize that we're already at the mall.

"You and your damn words, Kim Jisoo..." I heard her whisper.

"Did I say something wrong?" I touched her shoulder, worried that I messed up things again. Knowing me, I am a walking mess.

"You didn't because everything you just said are so damn true!" She looked at me and I was amazed at how beautiful her eyes are. No matter how many times I see it, I can't stop being amazed.

"So, you are jealous?" I smiled, putting my hand on her cheek.

"Yeah... So what? It's not like it's a big deal." I flicked my finger at her forehead.

"Idiot, everything about you is a big deal." And without giving her a chance to speak up, I quickly crashed our lips together and the colorful butterflies came back in my stomach.

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