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Jennie's POV

"I told you that we should have watched Pet Sematary! It's better to scream than to cry while watching a movie." Jisoo whined while wiping her tears with her handkerchief. The movie just ended and all the lights started to switch on while the post-credits is rolling.

"I'm crying too so stop whining, you big baby!" I hit her in the shoulder and Jisoo acted like it hurt her badly. "And besides, I didn't expect it to be this sad!" I exlaimed, waving my hands up and down like a lunatic.

"My eyes hurt. I think I'm gonna cry a river." Jisoo joked while feeling her eye-bags with her fingers. Her eyes are so red right now and so is her nose.

"And I think I'm gonna cry an ocean." I said, beating her river. As I stare at her face, I can't help but chuckle. "You look funny." And cute. I added and started laughing. The smirky Jisoo has a soft spot, isn't that nice? The mischievous Jisoo knows how to cry. A miracle.

"But you still find me beautiful." Jisoo said with her stating-a-fact tone.

I laughed and hit her on the shoulder again. "I do not!"

"Yes, you do!" Jisoo argued while pointing at me while I'm slapping her hand away.

"Stop being so full with yourself!" I said then I pinched her cheek which she yelped in response.

People who are standing from their seats and going out of the cinema started looking at us because of our noise. We are so noisy. This is kinda embarrassing. It's like we're still in elementary or something.

I let go Jisoo's cheek. "Let's just go." I said while standing up. I checked my bag for my mirror because I want to know what I look like. I'm ugly when I cry.

Just when I was about to bring out my mirror, a pair of hand blocked me. "Don't. You still look beautiful when you cry." An angelic voice met my ears.

I looked up and a pair of chocolate brown eyes met mine. Even though our eyes look puffy, I can still say that at this moment; everything looks magical.

Our eyes locked, no one wants to look away. Jisoo starts moving her head forward and that made me nervous. We're on a public place for goodness sake. But you don't mind and you want this. Shut the fuck up, inner self.

Some kid bumped into me and that made me lose balance but Jisoo quickly held me in my waist and caught me. Nice save, I thought.

"Thanks." I said as I turned my head to face her and what she did caught me off guard. She gave me a quick peck before glaring at the kid who bumped me.

"You okay, my Belle?" Jisoo asked while she let go of me so I can stand properly.

"Yes. Thank you... erm... my Ariel." What I just said made Jisoo smile so wide that I thought her face is gonna break.

Then Jisoo took my hand and held it in hers tightly, signalling me that I just made her happy. We started walking away like a love struck teenagers which is kinda weird but in a good way. Oh shut up, you're loving this. Uhm, no! Shut up, inner self.

A bunch of guys started looking at us while we walked passed them. There are five of them and I kinda locked eye contact with one of those guys and I must say, he's actually pretty cute. The guy winked at me which made me smile a little. He is definitely cute.

(Minghao or The8 of Seventeen

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(Minghao or The8 of Seventeen. Lead dancer.)

"What are you looking at?" Jisoo asked, giving a glance to the bunch of guys before staring back at me.

"Oh, nothing." I answered then I quickly glance at the guy and I see that he's still staring at me with a smile on his face. Another boy toy, Jennie Kim? You have a Kim Jisoo, grow the fuck up. Oh please, I don't do boy toys, inner self.

As we exit the cinema, Jisoo opened her mouth and asked me, "Where do you want to go next?"

Now that Jisoo asked that, I suddenly remembered that I'm craving for something. "I'm craving for an iced coffee."

"Then let's go to Starbucks." The Starbucks was just across the road so off we went.

As we went out the mall, I noticed that someone was following us. I turned around and saw the cute guy with his friend, following us or may I say, me? There's only two of them, I wonder where the three went? The cute guy waved a little at me with this smile so I can't help it but smile back.

Look straight up. You have a girlfriend so be fucking faithful unlike the other guys who cheat on their girlfriends. You're not like them so pleaseeee look straight up. My inner self said which made me snap and look straight. My inner self is right. This relationship with Jisoo may be a contract or a deal but that doesn't change the fact that she's still my girlfriend.

Jisoo and I stopped walking because the traffic light is still green and we can't cross just yet. I looked at Jisoo and what I saw melt my heart. She's so cuteeee. I quickly took my phone out and took a picture which she didn't notice at first.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Jisoo asked with a surprised tone on her voice.

I ignored her and just went on my instagram and posted her picture on my story with "my ariel❣️" in it. Only close friends will see it so why not? It's not like ny account is on public. As I stare at the picture, I realized that she really looks like Ariel with that hair color.

"I don't know if I should be angry or flattered for what you did

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"I don't know if I should be angry or flattered for what you did." Jisoo stated while staring at my phone.

"Flattered. You're the first person I ever put on my instagram story. I usually put my face and my dogs." Which is kinda true because I'm not that active in instagram. Lisa and Rosie are the active ones on instagram. I'm more of a stalker on instagram and that kinda makes me a little weird, don't you think?

We started crossing when the traffic lights turned red. We quickly went to Starbucks and ordered. As we took our seat, two boys entered Starbucks and as the other guy turned around, our eyes met. Great... The cute guy is still here, following me.

Me and my stupid flirtatious eyes. I mentally face palmed myself when the cute guy started walking towards us and his buddy went to the cashier to order.

Oh no, oh no, oh no. Please turn around and just walk away. Please, I'm begging you.

The cute guy stopped at our table and Jisoo gave him a glare that says what-the-fuck-do-you-want. And at this moment, I just wanna be swallowed by the ground. Someone save me, please.

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