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Jisoo's POV

Jennie's arms were wrapped around my waist while mine was wrapped around her neck. She continued biting me everywhere and here I was, moaning. And I hope that it's not that loud.

Jennie's hands went up my waist so she started playing the clip of my bra. I am enjoying this very much because she knows that she can't touch me anywhere except my lips. I'm glad that my deal is working just fine.

She groaned in frustration then dropped her hands back to my waist and started kissing my collar bone.

"Why are you so... tempting?" She asked between her bites.

"Just shut up and continue." I said eagerly, grabbing her hair to push her more down my collarbone.

She smirked and was about to continue when the door in the bathroom opened and made a clicking sound.

"Shit." Jennie whispered, frustrated at the person who walked in the bathroom.

I cupped her cheeks and peck her. "Dirty mouth." She blushed at my actions and hid herself under my neck.

"I hate you." She whispered at my neck which sent chills on my whole body.

"You'll learn to love me." I whispered back, wearing my smile.

"Really? In the bathroom? Disgusting." Irene's voice echoed throughout the bathroom. Of all people to walked in on this damn bathroom, why her?!

Jennie and I opened the cubicle and vuala, Irene's disguted face greeted us.

Jennie ignored Irene and went to the sink to wash her hands and freshen up using her make up while I got left here, having a staring contest with Irene.

I raised my eyebrow. "What are you looking at?"

"Same old same old Kim Jisoo. Screws all the girls that caught her attention." Then Irene glanced at Jennie. "I pity you, Jennie." Irene walked out with a what-a-bitch look on her face.

Okay, all the things she said was true but I've changed! I felt offended. Jennie dried her hands then looked at me in the mirror then without another word, she stormed out. She's angry, too? What did I do wrong?

I was about to go after her but then the bell rang. Ugh. I grabbed my phone and started texting her.

Kim Jisoo: Are you angry at me?

I started running at the hallways even though that's against the rules. Oh whatever, life is short. I am so gonna be late at my class.

A minute have passed and I started to think that she is indeed angry at me because she still haven't responded but all doubts went behind my head when I heard the 'ping' from my phone.

Jennie Kim: No. Why would I be angry at you?

I was typing my reply when she responded again.

Jennie Kim: Whore.

She is definitely angry at me.

Kim Jisoo: I'm your whore ❣️🤗

Jennie Kim: New phone, hu dis?

Kim Jisoo: Come on babe, stop it. 😞 you makin me sad.

Jennie Kim: I'm gonna make you more sad so you'll die from sadness. Bye whore.

Living with a Stranger ❥ jensooWhere stories live. Discover now