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Jisoo's POV

I slowly walked towards Jennie's room, scratching my eyes. I am still sleepy. It's weekends so I want to sleep all day but my romantic ass want to take Jennie to a date.

I knocked at the door but all I received was a groan. That was my cue to come in.

I opened the door and I saw Jennie still sleeping. Face down was her position and her shirt was slightly pulled up, revealing her sexy back. She doesn't wear bra at night so it's hard for me to look away. I am such a pervert.

I happily walked towards her. I went beside her, pulling her shirt down. I slowly hugged her, slightly touching her bare stomach. I put my mouth to her ears.

"Jen..." I whispered but she just groaned in response. Boi, this girl sleeps like she's hibernating.

I slowly gave her soft kisses from her ear to her neck. She hummed in response. She's enjoying this huh?

"Come on, babe. Wake up. We're going on a date." Jennie lazily turned to face me with her eyes closed and her forehead creased. She slowly opened her eyes and started scratching it.

"I just want to sleep..." Then she yawned. Cute. Then she closed her eyes and slowly wrapped her arms around me. She snuggled down in me.

Without thinking anything, I silently fell asleep with her wrapped around my arms. This ain't bad. If it's possible, I want to hold her in my arms forever.

×30 minutes later×

Oh crap, I fell asleep! My plan for our date is fading away. I groggily stretched my arms and felt that Jennie was not on my side anymore.

I quickly scratched my eyes and opened it to see if Jennie is still in the bed.

Okay, yep. She is indeed gone. Where did that cute kitty go? I'm lonely without her.

The room was at peace. You can hear the birds chirping outside the window and you can hear water dropping. Wait... Water? It's not even raining and this house is not even close at the river. Don't tell me...

I slowly walked towards the bathroom of her room and yep, indeed. She is taking a shower. I quickly stepped back. This is bad. I don't want to see her in a towel because she is so tempting. It's like I want to tear her towel away.

I dived in her bed and quickly covered myself with sheets. I am turning red just by imagining it. Jennie with a towel on huh? That would be like a beautiful dream.

The bathroom door opened and I can hear wet footsteps coming towards me.

"Jisoo, wake up already. What about our date you were talking about?" By mentioning the date word, I immediately got up with a full smile in my face. But I regret afterwards... She's wearing a towel guys. My beautiful dream is in front of me. Should I take the towel off? Should I...? I mentally slapped myself. Stop being a pervert, self!

I took time staring her body with a towel wrapped in it. Her skin was so white. It reminds me of Snow White. Her boobs were pushed up because of the force of the towel so I can see it slightly. I am probably drooling right now. The towel was wrapped nicely on her body so I can see the shape of her body perfectly.

Her legs was crystal clear and I noticed a small tattoo on her thigh. It was two butterflies. One was blue and one was purple. It attracted me more. I want to spread her legs wide so much.

"Are you done fantasising my body?" Jennie smirked and I feel my face turning red

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"Are you done fantasising my body?" Jennie smirked and I feel my face turning red.

"If you want, I can drop this towel for you." She said seductively. She slowly walked towards me, touching the sheet of the bed with her knees. Her hand found my chin and lifted it up. I can see lust in her eyes.

She held the towel with her other hand, waiting for the right moment to put the towel down.

I know that she's playing me so I am not gonna take the bait even though I want to see her body so much. I put my hands on her cheeks and gave her a peck.

"Come on, love. That's against our deal." She chuckled and gave me a peck back.

"I know. I'm just testing how pervy you can get. Looks like it didn't work." I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, fully aware that one wrong move the towel will fall.

"I love your tattoo." I whispered slowly at her neck and my breath gave her goosebumps.

I licked her neck slowly because it still have water in it. She haven't dried up yet.

"You're so wet, Jennie Kim. And if you don't wear clothes quick, I will make you wet between your thighs." I whispered to her but I think it only turned her on. What a cutie. Oh right. She's still a virgin. Good thing I came in the picture or else Vernon might have taken her v-card already and by thinking of that makes me puke.

Jennie pushed me slightly when she regained her posture. "I hate you." She scoffed. I chuckled and watched her get some clothes on her walk-in closet.

"What are you waiting for? Go to your room and take a bath. We're going on a date, aren't we?" She asked while she struggles finding the right clothes for her while I stare at her sexy legs.

"Pervy Jisoo! Move your damn ass!" She shouted and peek at me. She then gave me a death glare and that made me move.

"Right on it, boss!" I said. I was about to go out the door but my body moved on its own. I went to Jennie and gave her a kiss.

"I don't know why but I suddenly missed the taste of your lips even though you gave me a peck earlier." I smiled. She smiled back and gave me a push.

"Now go to your room." I saluted at her and that made her laugh.

I quickly went straight to my room with a blush in my face. I love it when we're like this. I slowly went to the bathroom with both of my palms on my face, hiding my blush. Ughhh, I want to go back to Jennie's room but no. We are going on a date.

I slowly undressed myself and when I was done, I quickly went to the shower and turned it on. I screamed at the process because the water was too cold.

But nevermind that, I'm gonna go full speed at taking a shower because my mind is full of thoughts of me and Jennie having a date. It excites me.

A date huh...? I wonder if it will go well. Oh whatever. Whatever happens, happens I guess.

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