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Jisoo's POV

Jennie's been acting weird. We were okay earlier and now, she's not even talking to me.

We are currently walking towards the parking lot. Classes have ended and Jennie's giving me the cold shoulder all afternoon. Jennie's walking fast so she's in front of me while I'm tailing behind. What did I do wrong now?

Was the pads I gave her was uncomfortable? That can't be the right reason because she was so happy when she went out the cubicle this morning. She was just fine this morning and now, she's acting like Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmatians.

As we past the gate, the guard gave me a stern look and he mouthed, "I'm watching you." while pointing his two fingers to me and back to his eyes. Chills went straight to my body. I don't want to be in the same situation agaid. That guard is a lunatic. I tell you, he's scary and he won't believe whatever you say. I hate him now.

I gave the guard an awkward smile then turned my head to look at angry Jennie once again. Should I talk to her? She might bite my head off though. I'm scared guys, help. I think I'm gonna pee on my pants later. I'm so scared that I don't even know what to do. The song "Don't Know What To Do" popped out of my head.

As we reached Jennie's car, I was so busy looking at Jennie that I didn't notice that Minghao was leaning on Jennie's car. Minghao's hands are inside his pockets, looking cool and all.

"Yo! Why the cold stare, Jenne?" Minghao chuckled while he pulled out one of his hands from his pocket and he waved cutely. If I didn't know that he's gay, I might have slapped him by now because he's acting cute to Jennie.

"Oh, it's because my puppy is unloyal to her master." What puppy? Kai? Kuma? They're already big so you can't call them a puppy. Or was that a figure of speech? A metaphor perhaps?

I frowned when I realized, am I the puppy?

"I think you've got it wrong, PJ. The puppy is faithful, not unloyal." I said which made Jennie turn her head towards me.

Her eyes are raging with anger but she still managed to smirk. "Then let me rephrase what I just said. The puppy is unfaithful to her master." She spat and every word she said felt like venom to my ears. I definitely did something wrong.

"What's wrong?" Call me straightforward or what, I just want to know what I did wrong.

Jennie rolled her eyes and smiled bitterly. "Nothing's wrong. Everything is fine. Perfectly fine." Lies. Everything she just said was lies. Why is she lying? Why is the great Jennie Kim lying?

I stepped forward, making Jennie step backward. We keep doing that until Jennie's back is already touching her car. Minghao finds this amusing so he just watches us with an amusing smile plastered on his face.

Students by now have already went home so I don't care if we make a scandal here. I just want to know what I did wrong. If this is just mood swings because of the menstruation then I'm glad but if it's not, I want to fix it.

I put both of my hands in the car, beside her waist. Pinning her so she won't run away. I kicked her leg softly so I can put my knee between her thighs. Jennie was about to argue but when she saw that I lifted my knee higher, it made her blush. Awww. How cute.

I put the tip of my index finger under her chin and lifted it. "Again, Jennie Kim. What's wrong? What did I do wrong?" I asked, bringing my face closer to hers. She just looked away with a frown on her face.

"I told you, nothing." She said again with an annoyed expression.

"If nothing's wrong then kiss me." I challenged then I raised my eyebrow at her which made Jennie roll her eyes.

"I'm not in the mood." She said, slapping my hand away but I put it back which made Jennie groan.

"Kiss me anyway because if you truly love or like someone, it won't affect your mood." I said which made Jennie's frown disappear. "I mean do you only love me if you're happy then hate me if you're mad? No matter what mood you are in, it shouldn't affect your love for me." I continued, giving sincerity in my eyes.

"Truthfully speaking; when you're mad, you forget that you love me." Okay, love may be out of line because I don't know if she loves me yet. Maybe I'm assuming things but I don't mind because they way she acts when she's around me and the way she talks about me are way too opposite. Her words speak that she doesn't love me but her actions say the other way. But they all say that actions speaks louder than words.

Jennie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She raised her eyebrow at me and snickered. "You have some guts to tell me that huh?"

I ignored what she just said and continued on talking, "Now kiss me if you're not mad at me."

Jennie hesitated at first but then she move her hands forward, cupping my face. She slowly leaned forward so I closed my eyes, waiting for her lips to reach mine.

Instead of feeling soft lips against mine, I felt something rough. I opened my eyes and saw Minghao's hand between my lips and Jennie's. Okay? What the hell is his problem?

Minghao then suddenly pulled Jennie towards him, making Jennie lose her balance and falling into Minghao's chest.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" I asked angrily at Minghao. Minghao embraced Jennie which made Jennie look shocked.

"Babe, go home already with Jisoo. It's getting late." Minghao said to Jennie with softness on his voice.

I was about to punch Minghao's handsome face but Minghao gave me a look that something is up. The look he gave me was quick but I picked it up. Good thing that my mind is not slow. If it was, I might have punched Minghao by now.

Minghao opened the car door for Jennie and I opened mine myself. When we both got in, I closed the door and looked at Minghao who tapped the car and gave Jennie a wink. "See you tomorrow, Babe. Have a safe trip." Then he closed the door, waving us goodbye.

Jennie started the engine and drove us away from the parking lot. Awkward silence consumed the car. I wanna asked what happened but I'm scared that Jennie might snap at me again.

"Someone almost saw us." Jennie started the conversation. What she just said almost made me have a heart attack.

"What?!" So that's why Minghao acted like Jennie's boyfriend.

Jennie's hands tightened on the steering wheel which made her knuckles go white.

I placed my hand on top of hers and gave her my genuine smile. "Relax. Minghao saved us so don't worry about it."

"Yeah, what if they already saw? Even if it's only one person, one person is enough to spread a wildfire." Jennie said, worried.

I gave her a peck in the cheek. "Then we'll figure something out."

A smile spreads on Jennie's face which made me smile more. We'll figure something out. We always figure something out.

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