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Jennie's POV

"What should we watch?" Jisoo asked me while we looked at the posters of the movies that are showing today. Both of us, crossed arms while staring. I can tell that people at the back would stop and stare but not at the posters, but at us and it's annoying. Very annoying. I know that we're hot and all but please, stop eye raping us.

Inside the cinema, you can see employees, kids throwing popcorns at each other, teenagers flirting and adults who are busy with their phones while holding their kids.

I pointed at a poster. "Let's watch this!" I said, pointing at the Five Feet Apart poster. When I watched the trailer of this movie, it made my heart go gooey and sad. I know that this movie will be like The Fault in our Stars and Midnight Sun but I don't care. Not all love stories have happy endings. Am I right? Who invented happily ever after anyways?

Jisoo raised her hand and pointed at a poster too. What she pointed shook me. Oh no. Please no. I am not good with movies like that. She just pointed at the poster of Pet Sematary and it's a no no for me.

"Why the frown Jennie Kim?" Jisoo asked and I can feel that she's smirking. I glanced at her and indeed, she's smirking.

"Scared, Potter?" Jisoo mimicked Malfoy from Harry Potter and that made me laugh. This girl is a natural.

"You know what? You can be the girl version of Malfoy. It suits you. It suits you very much." I said with my accent and that made her laugh.

"No thanks. I'd rather be your Ron Weasley because you are my Hermione Granger." Then she winked at me. I just rolled at her and chuckled. This girl is such a dork. You're falling for her though. Oh shut up inner me. I am so not falling for her. It's ew. Yuck. Digusting.

"So are we watching this?" Jisoo pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Heck no!" The way my voice came out made me look like a frightened little girl. Well, do you blame me? How will I sleep at night if we watch this? And don't tell me to sleep with Jisoo. No. She's all touchy here and touchy there. She keeps touching my boobs and keeps acting like it was an accident. So nope, a big no. She's a pervert! A freaking big pervert.

"Are you scared? The Great Kim Jennie is scared?" She asked like it's something unbelievable. "You can be scared? I thought you were a robot or something. Hot robot." She added which made my eyes roll. I want to strangle her so bad.

I turned back and started walking away. "This date is over." I acted like I'm annoyed but I just want to win this argument.

Jisoo immediately followed me from behind, reaching out for my hands. "I was just joking, Jen! Geez!" Jisoo said, pulling me towards her. Now she's hugging me from behind. She's hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe. People keep glancing at us like this is a bad thing. What? Is this their first time seeing a girl back hugging another girl? People should grow the fuck up. Excuse my language, sweeties. Mwuah.

"If you want, we could just watch Five Feet Apart. Please. Don't walk away from me. Just don't leave me." She whispered like a lost puppy. I don't know why but hearing those words coming out from her lips breaks my heart slowly. She seems so... lost. And that scares me. It scares the hell out of me.

What if I walk away and didn't choose her? Would she be like this? Would she be this... lost or it will be worse? If leaving Jisoo and it will make her so lost then I think I'll stay... I think.

"Fine. Let's watch Pet Sematary. I but if I start having nightmares, I will kick your butt." Jisoo let go of me and it made me misses her warmth. I wish she could just hug me forever. Wait... What?! No, no! I sound like a creep. I take it back.

"Yes, Ma'am! I understand!" Jisoo answered cheerfully. The lost puppy vanished and that made me smile. If I can make her this happy then why not? For just three months, I will make her happy. If she's happy then I'm happy, who am I to interrupt that happiness?

Jisoo went to buy tickets while I went to buy popcorns. The line in buying is not that long but seeing the line still made me groan. There aren't a lot of people but there's still people and people are not my thing. Like seriously.

There's a cute little girl in front of me and she keeps looking at me like she have seen a living disney princess. Her dad is talking on the phone and I think that made this little girl bored.

"Uhm... Excuse me." The little girl spoke and it made me awww. Her voice is so cute uwu.

I kneeled and patted her head. "Yes?" I asked nicely, showing her my gummy smile and that made her smile more.

"Are you Belle from Beauty and the Beast because you are so pretty?" The little girl asked with sparkles in her eyes and that made my heart flatter. I didn't expect someone to say that to me because to be honest, I am not a princess type. I'm more like a bad diva. I can be the evil stepmother of Cinderella for example.

But what should I do? Should I lie and say that I'm Belle? I mean if I say the truth, I might break her tiny heart. But lying is kinda bad and imagine after how many years and this little girl will grow up and remember that some crazy chic made her believe that she met an actual Belle and realize that it was all a lie. That will ruin her childhood memories.

Welp, I'm gonna tell the truth. Pixie dust won't fix this one. "Well, thank you. But sadly, I'm not Belle." Can I go now? Because I think, I just broke a little girl's heart.

But instead of seeing the sparkles from the little girl's eyes fade, it made it more colorful. "Well, that's okay! You can be a real princess anyways with that look Miss!" She giggled and that made me giggled more.

Can I keep her? This made me want a kid. "If I become a princess, you'll be the first to know." I said and pinched her cheek which made her tickle.

"Awwww. Both of you are so cute." I heard Jisoo's voice from behind us so i turned around and met her eyes. Her damn eyes again. I should really stop meeting her eye contact because it makes me feel trap and enchanted. I just can't seem to break the eye contact.

The little girl gasped. "Another princess!" She said, looking at Jisoo. She went pass me and went for Jisoo.

"You look like Ariel! Pretty! Pretty! I want to be pretty someday too!" The little girl said happily and that made us chuckle.

"But you're already pretty." Said Jisoo and it made me smile in secret. I hid my smile using my handkerchief. That's a very nice thing to say and I think Jisoo will go well with kids. I mean look at her go! She's a natural. I bet that if she'll become a Pedia Surgeon, she'll capture every kids' heart.

"Julie, it's time to go. Sorry for my daughter's behavior. She's only two." I didn't notice that her dad is already done talking on the phone. Her dad picked her up and we just said that it's okay. So Julie is the name of the kid huh? What a cutie.

"Such a cute kid." Jisoo said. "She is, isn't she?" I agreed while waving off to Julie while saying goodbye.

"I've got the tickets!" Jisoo beamed, showing me the tickets which made me face palmed myself.

"Shit! The popcorn!" I mumbled. I totally forgot about the popcorn. Stupid me. Jisoo suddenly stepped forward and gave me a peck in the lips.

"Word please." Jisoo said which made me roll my eyes.

"Let's just get the popcorn and get this over with." I said with a smile on my face which she gave back. This date is going well.

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