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Jennie's POV

I woke up with the sunlight on my face. Who opened the fucking window? I rolled over and took a pillow to hide my face. I need more sleep. I'm tired.

"Babe, wake up. We're late." A soft voice entered my ear. I just groaned. Can't we just go to school this afternoon? I'm freaking tired. Why are you tired? Jisoo should be the one who's tired, not you. Then Jisoo's moans started flashing back in my mind making me sit up. Great, now I'm wide awake.

Jisoo's body came into view. I sighed in relief because she's already wearing her uniform and a pants. Waiiiit, what the fuck? She's already dressed and I just woke up? Why didn't she wake me up?!

I stood up, frustrated. "My perfect attendance is gone." I said, stomping my foot while I walked towards the bathroom.

"It was long gone. You were absent for three days, remember?" Jisoo said before I closed the bathroom door. Oh right. I forgot about that.

I started taking off my clothes. "You could at least wake me up!" I argued back. I bet it's already 9am. Ughhh! We're gonna get there at third period. I have to make an excuse letter later. And what would you put? Dear Professor, I am so sorry that I skipped first and second period because I had sex last night which made me tired and wake up late. I'll just have to lie in my excuse letter and say that I had a headache.

I'm already completely naked so I switched on the shower and went in, not minding how cold the water will be.

Minutes later, we're already walking out of the house and going straight to my car.

"Did you bring extra pads?" Jisoo asked. I nodded. Of course, I have extra pads in my bag. I don't want to repeat the history so I'll be extra careful starting now.

We went in the car. I started the engine and with the comfortable silence, I turn the steering wheel and started driving.

My phone keeps on ringing and it's getting on my nerves. I can't answer or pick it up because I'm driving and Jisoo seems to want to answer it because she keeps on looking at my phone like she wants it dead.

"Answer it." I said then she started smiling like crazy so I rolled my eyes at her.

She took the phone and when she saw who was calling, her expression formed into disgust. She swiped my phone and brought the phone to her ear, annoyance was formes on her face. I wonder who could it be?

"Minghao? What's up?" Her voice came out cheerful but her facial expression tell otherwise. Don't tell me she's jealous? Minghao's gay for pete's sake.

Jisoo didn't put it into loud speaker so I can't hear what Minghao is saying. Put it into loud speaker, damn it.

"Jennie's driving so I picked it up." Jisoo said then she glanced at me. She is clearly annoyed. She's jealous of Minghao and I'm jealous of Irene. I can call it quits, right?

"Oh, okay. I'll tell her. Bye." Jisoo said then she ended the phone call fast. She didn't even let Minghao say goodbye before ending the call.

I glanced at her then my eyes went back to the road. "What did he say?" I asked, curiosity always gets me every time.

"Oh, nothing important really. He said that the whole school thinks that you and him are going out now." Jisoo said with a poker face on. She is indeed jealous, alright.

So Seulgi took the bait? I am so thankful to Minghao. If he wasn't there, the rumor by now should be Jisoo and I going out and that would be a big news. I mean, me? Not straight? Big news alright.

"You look happy." Jisoo said, eyeing me suspiciously with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Minghao saved us so stop being a baby and grow up." I said, turning the wheels again to park my car. It's funny how I said grow up to Jisoo and yet I can't do it myself.

As I stopped the engine of the car, Jisoo argued back. "Is it bad being jealous?" She scoffed then went out of the car, pushing the car door hard making me flinch. The nerve of this girl!

I went out of the car too, running after Jisoo who is madly walking away. "You don't have the right to get angry at me because in the first place, you never told me that Irene is your first love!" I said, shouting at her. I don't care if we're making a scene right now at the parking lot. There are only cars here so I don't mind going all out. I'm gonna choke this girl if no one stops me. Choke huh? Choke me, daddy? Stop! This is not the time to have a pervy thoughts.

Jisoo stopped walking and turned to face me. Confusion was formed on her face so I can't help but smirk. "How did you know?" Jisoo asked while I walked past her. I flipped my hair at her then rolled my eyes.

Jisoo held me by my wrist and pulled me closer to her making me yelp. "Yah! What's your problem?!" That hurt! I turned my face to look at Jisoo but what I saw made me step back. Her face is so close to me, damn it!

Suddenly, someone hand found my waist and pulled me towards her/him. I looked behind me and saw Minghao.

"Guys, don't create a scene. Someone may be watching." Minghao told us. Jisoo gave Minghao a death glare then her eyes went to Minghao's hand who is holding my waist.

Jisoo stepped forward. "Sure, prince charming but first," said Jisoo while she put her hand on top of Minghao's hand then she gripped it, making Minghao yelp in pain. "Let go of my girlfriend." Jisoo continued with a let-go-or-i-will-kill-you kind of smile plastered on her face.

Minghao immediately pulled back, waving his hand that got hurt by Jisoo. Jisoo then looked at me bitterly then she walked away. I keep on apologizing to Minghao but Minghao keeps on saying that it's okay.

I glanced at Jisoo but she already went into the gate. Her and her jealousy. Tsk.

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