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Jisoo's POV

"Hey." I said as I approached Jennie who is still talking to the "guy". Oh please, He's not even that handsome...

Okay, fine! He's handsome. But I'm more handsome? Right? I mean, more beautiful. Yeah, beautiful.

"Hey. You done already?" Why? Disappointed coz your bonding time with Mister Lover Boy is done?

"Yeah, baby. Lisa and Chaeng helped me a lot." Jennie gave me the "stop-with-the-baby-or-I'll-kill-you" look. I just gave her my victory smile. While the "guy" is giving us a confusing look.

"Oh, right. Vernon, this is my FRIEND, Kim Jisoo." Vernon offered me a hand shake but I just smiled at him.

"Girlfriend to be exact." Vernon looked at Jennie and back at me.

"She's just kidding, Vernon. Don't take her seriously." Jennie nervously laughed, hitting me on the process.

"You're funny, Jisoo!" Oh I won't be funny later or sooner.

"Well, we better get going. Bye, Vernon." Jennie said, pulling me away from him before I get to say goodbye. Vernon just waved and chuckled.

"What's your problem?" Jennie whispered, tightening her hold on my wrist. I winced in pain.

"Let go, Jen. You're hurting me." Jennie quickly let go of me. "I'm sorry... it's just that... ugh! Let's just go home!" Then she held my hand and we quickly went to the parking lot with a lot of people looking at us weirdly.

"For a new girl in town, you sure got a lot of attention back there. Good luck on your first day of school." I turned around and saw a very beautiful girl with a very beautiful voice.

"Hey, Jen! And hey, Jisoo. The name's Namjoo. Kim Namjoo." I shook hands with her then she pulled me close, enough to look like we're hugging. "And I'm whispering you this just to warn you, you shouldn't interfere between Jennie ane Vernon. You don't want to see Vernon turn into a psycho, don't you? He's scary."

Then she pulled back, giving me a slight smile and walked away. "She's weird."

"She's a childhood friend of Vernon. Tho, Vernon and Namjoo ain't that close now." Is that what she meant by scary? Is this connected to what she said? I mean, Vernon and her are childhood friends and now they're not that close? Did something happen back then?

Should I be scared? Or should I be scared for Jennie?

"Hey, Jisoo. Come on. What are you waiting for? I'm starving." Jennie said as she got in her car. I did the same but I still can't get off my mind what that Namjoo girl said. What does she mean by scary?

Whatever it is, I don't feel good about it.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAENGGG 💜 #PrincessRosieDay #RosiePosieDay

Yeah, I know this chapter is short. I'm sorry guyssss. Trying hard to update but everytime I get a free time, something always comes up :<

Really sorryyyy. And I'm preparing for our Masquerade Ball/JS Prom, so yeah :< Really sorry.

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