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Jisoo's POV

I took Jen to McDonald's because she kept whining that she wants a McFlurry. As we entered the restaurant, people kept glancing at us and it kinda annoys me a little. It's like they're eye raping us and it bothers me. A lot. We went in line and this guy in front of us keeps glancing back. Is it not normal to see hot girls everyday? Like seriously people.

A bulk up guy with blonde hair comes behind us. He looks like a football player because of all that muscle and from the looks of it, this guy is a dick. 100% sure. He has green eyes and I think he's british. British is hot and all but I have Jen so thank u, next.

"Hey gorgeous. Do you want my number?" The blonde guy asked and I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. Nope, nope. Leave this to Jen. She's better at snapping than me.

As on cue, Jen looked back and raised her eyebrow at the guy. "Who are you talking to?" Jen asked, her blank face was on but her eyes look furious like a cat's.

"Oh, not you. The girl you're with but you're free to get my number too." He winked at Jen and I had this urge to puke my breakfast but then I realized that this guy is not worth it.

"Excuse me but would you stop flirting with my girlfriend and with me?" Jen asked, giving the blonde guy with a best fake smile before looking at me and giving me a peck. Then her stare went back in front. I gave the guy a smug look then turned around.

But anyways, let's ignore the guy for a moment because Jennie fucking Kim just called me my girlfriend, she actually said it. She said it. I want to scream. I really want to let it all out. I can feel heat forming in my cheeks but who cares if I'm blushing? Hehe, my girlfriend just called me "my girlfriend".

"You okay?" Jen whispered at me. I just gave her a soft smile and kissed her on the forehead. Everything's great. I slipped my arms on her waist and pulled her closed so I can smell her sweet scent.

When we finally got our order, we sat down and started talking about random stuffs. It's been a month already but she changed. A lot. And I'm glad that I changed her. I mean from grumpy old Jen to a fluffy bright one. I should be proud of myself.

"Stop looking at me like that." Jen said, throwing me two fries but I caught one and ate it.

"Looking at you like what?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee float.

"You know the romantic movies when the guy looks at the girl lovingly and everything starts in slow motion? Yeah, like that." Jen said with a furrowed eyebrows.

"What's wrong with that? I think it's cute." I smiled. She starts turning red and has to hide it with her hands.

"Awwww. My fluffy Jen is blushing." I said, poking her jokingly which she starts shrugging off. Why is she so cuteeeee?

I searched for my phone and unlocked it, taking a picture of her. When Jennie heard the clicking sound, she took her hands off and gasped. I ignored her and went to the settings in my phone and changed my wallpaper.

"Nooo! Don't take picturesssss!" Jennie whined while taking my phone but too bad, her arms are not that long.

"Whyyyy? You're cute in the pictures. Don't worry!" I said, pushing her hands off so she won't start wiggling my hand that's been holding my phone.

"No! I'm not! I look stupid!" She lifted her butt a little and that made her reach my phone which she took swiftly. Damn she got me. She got ne good.

When she opened my phone, she just stared at it. She slowly starts turning red and she handed me the phone back so she could hide her face again. Who knew she has this kind of soft spot?

"You like it?" I asked her, looking at ny lockscreen wallpaper. She just nodded but I can feel that she's smiling from under there.

"Who..." Jennie starts mumbling something but I couldn't hear it because it was too soft.

"Uhm what?" I asked, looking at her.

"Who is your homescreen wallpaper?" She mumbled again but this time I heard it.

I unlocked my phone and showed it to her. It's a picture of her sleeping soundly while hugging me. I cropped myself out of the picture. It kinda bothers me if my wallpaper is my face you know? Like how do people do that? Wallpapering themselves. No offense though if you're one of those people. Can you teach me how to not cringe whenever I see my face when I unlock my phone? I need the secret.

I glanced at Jen and she has this shocked but happy look on her face. "This is kinda creepy and cute but the cute side is winning me over." Jen said while taking my phone. I can tell that she likes it very much. Good job self. You made your girl happy.

Should I change my profile picture using Jen's picture in Facebook too? Or I'm taking it too much?

Ah, no. Idiot. Nobody knows that we're dating so how can I change my profile picture with Jen's picture if we're not out?

Wait... Does her mother even know about this 3 Month Dating thing? Of course Jennie won't tell. But what would Mrs. Kim's reaction if she finds out that her daughter is dating me? But she doesn't know, right? Only Chaeng and Lisa know! Speaking of Lichaeng, guess what guys? THEY'RE NOW DATING!! Kyaaaaaah~ I knew it! Wait, wow. We're getting off the subject. Let's go back to Jen.

"Who's your wallpaper tho?" I asked, sipping my coffee float nervously. I'm not expecting that it's me but there's this part of me that hopes that it's me. Oh please be me. I am not gonna get my hopes up but pleaseeee. You know what? Screw this. I'm gonna get my hopes up and if I didn't see what I want to see then fine, I'm used to it anyway.

Jennie took her phone from her pocket and quickly snap a picture of me. That caught me off guard! I was biting the straw of my drink for Pete's sake! That was a bad shot! I swear.

I didn't have a chance to complain because before I open my mouth, Jennie had this small smile on her face while doing something on her phone and that stopped me.

I mean hey, if she's happy then I'm happy too. When Jennie was done, she handed me her phone with a big smile on her face and told me to open it. Her lockscreen was of course, the picture she took just now. I unlocked the phone easily because there's no password or anything. What I saw shocked me. Wow, this girl is a stalker herself.

Her homescreen wallpaper was me, standing, holding a marker while facing the white board. It looks like I'm answering something. From the look of the classroom, it's science time.

"Stalker much?" I asked her. I was amazed that she could do things like this for me. Taking random pictures of me and it's like she's in love with me. And I thought she didn't care about me.

"I was on my way to the CR that time but you caught my attention while passing your classroom so I stopped and took the picture. Because you looked serious and that's kinda rare for a smirky Jisoo. But anyways, do you like it?" Jennie asked, giving me her gummy smile. I gave her a smile back.

"How can I not?" Good thing I got my hopes up.

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