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Jennie's POV

As I entered my classroom, Namjoo greeted me with a squeal. Aish, this girl's mouth. Did she swallow a microphone? So loud early in the morning.

"Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?!" She kept asking while pulling my arm with a wide smile plastered on her face. I guess she's talking about the rumor about me and Minghao.

"No. Just a rumor. And besides, I have a phobia of boys now because of Vernon." I said as I waved my hands like I'm denying something. I started walking towards my seat but everyone in the damn classroom keeps on staring at me like I'm some kind of criminal.

Everyone keeps on whispering to each other while they stare me down. Why do we live in a judgmental world? Humans are a dumb creature. Sorry Jesus but it's the truth. I know you created us and all but humans keep on destroying what you created. The earth for example.

I got startled because Namjoo suddenly shouted. "Stop looking at Jennie, you punks! Do you wanna die?!" Then everybody went quiet, including me.

Namjoo went from being angry to being happy. She smiled when she realized that what she did was effective. What an odd girl. She's crazy but I'm thankful that I'm her friend.

Out of nowhere, our homeroom teacher suddenly went in the classroom which made Namjoo ran faster than a cheetah. She went back to her seat with a flustered look.

She looked at me with a scared smile. Her smile was twitching and sweat started forming under her eyes. "Our homeroom teacher didn't see me shout, right?" Namjoo asked then she gulped.

I chuckled then started tapping her back. "You're safe, kid." What I said made Namjoo sigh in relief. She maybe crazy but she's afraid of detention. I mean, who wouldn't? Mr. Filch's copy cat is there. You know, from Harry Potter.

"Okay, guys. Be quiet. I have something to announce." Our homeroom teacher started talking while writing something on the white board.

When he was done writing, my face lit up with joy. What he wrote was "Prom Day" and that made me happy. We're having another prom! Yay! We did it last year so I was having doubts that we will have it again but then miracles happen. And having two proms in a highschool life is already a miracle. This is my last year of highschool anyway so I better make the best out of it. College is just around the corner so I want to collect many memories before going.

Our class celebrated with a clap and a whistle. Professor Shim then hit the table hard to make us stop. "Enough with the celebration. We need to discuss something more."

"Unlike last year that you guys were allowed to wear whatever you want. This time it's different." Professor Shim continued while looking at the coupon he is holding. Everyone groaned at what Professor Shim just said but me. Change is good.

Last year's prom was fun but a mess. There was no color coding to our gown so everything was so colorful. Delinquents even wore a slutty gown which made the principal furious so I didn't expect to have another prom but what can I say? We're having another prom so it is indeed very shocking.

"We have a color coding. Each class has one and lucky us, we got red." I celebrated with joy. Red goes perfectly with me. Every color goes perfectly with me anyways. Yes, I'm that confident.

"To the girls, the principal didn't allow backless gowns and gowns that are short. It should be below the knee, not above." Professor Shim continued. Okay, that made me groan. I already had the perfect gown on my mind. Guess, I'll think of another one because that idea was thrown out in the trashcan by our beloved principal. Note the sarcasm.

"You guys have three weeks to prepare so goodluck." Then Professor Shim walked out. Three weeks huh? After prom will be Jisoo's flight day. At least she'll get to go to prom. Oh shut up, you're sad because Jisoo will be gone after the prom. Why would I be sad? Duh, I can live without her. I am a strong and an independent woman. Independent my ass.

My phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and Jisoo's message appeared on my lockscreen. I unlocked my phone and opened her message.

From: Trial Girlfriend
~ What color did your class get?

I thought she won't talk to me after that incident in the parking lot earlier. Is this really Jisoo texting me? I mean she was really that angry earlier so she can't be texting me, can she?

To: Trial Girlfriend
~ Red. Hbu?

Jisoo replied faster than I expected. She's faster than Minghao.

From: Trial Girlfriend
~ Purple 💜 yay! My fav color :3

Who still uses ":3"? Don't tell me she still use "xD" too.

To: Trial Girlfriend
~ Why are you texting me? We're having a fight, remember? You also left, remember?

I chuckled with my goofiness. I think I got swallowed by memes now. It's eating every bit of my brain cell if I have one. The meme "you left, remember?" can't seem to get out of my mind. I need to stop opening my facebook now. Memes are really eating me up.

From: Trial Girlfriend
~ We are. I'm just talking with you as a friend.

What I read made my eye twitch. She's talking to me as a friend? Wow, the nerve.

To: Trial Girlfriend
~ Then I'll block you as a friend :3 sayonara bitch.

And without hesitation, I blocked her number with a victory smile plastered on my face. I laughed evilly inside. I want to laugh out loud but I'm afraid that my classmates might think that I'm crazy.

"You look creepy. Stop smiling like that." Namjoo snapped me out of my thoughts. I took her notebook that was under her arm and hit her with it. She keeps saying that she's sorry but I keep hitting her. Me? Creepy? In my wildest dream. I am never creepy.

But that's weird, minutes have past but there's still no teacher entering our classroom. Is there a meeting?

I spoke too soon because someone suddenly slid the door open which made me stop hitting Namjoo and sit up straight. My composure went back to my body and Namjoo did the same and to my disappointment, it wasn't a teacher that entered the classroom. It's Jisoo.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of her but she just raised her eyebrow at me. She started walking towards me with a fierce look on her face. Every eyes of my classmates followed her movements which I also did the same. What does she want now?

I coughed when I saw Jisoo's hickey on her neck and her collarbone. The hickeys are so visible. Then the memories of last night started flashing back on my mind. Jisoo's sex face keeps on popping on my mind that I need to slap myself to get rid of it. Jisoo looked at me with confusion, my classmates did the same. That slap hurt. I touched my cheek which I slapped then pouted. What are you doing to me, Jisoo yah?

When Jisoo got closed, she stopped walking. She pulled my chair and twirled it to make me face her. She brought her face closer to mine. I was about to slap her because I thought she is gonna kiss me but she went past my lips and went to my ear.

"Unblock me or I will make a scandal here." She threatened. She pulled back while I gulped. A sarcastic smile was plastered on her face then she walked out, leaving my classmates confused.

I brought my hand to my face, frustrated. The nerve of that girl never fails to shock me.

I ran my fingers through my hair while I took out my phone with my other hand from my pocket. I unlocked my phone and went to my contact list. I did what she told me. I unblocked her while gritting my teeth.

My phone vibrated and I know that it's Jisoo.

From: Trial Girlfriend
~ Thanks for unblocking me, daddy. 👅

I closed my eyes and smiled. Bring it on, Kim Jisoo. This is a fight I don't want to lose.

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