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Jennie's POV

I keep honking my car horn because Kim Jisoo is taking too long. What is that girl doing in my house anyway? We are gonna be late! And I don't want to be late because I fucking want to get that Perfect Attendance award but Kim Jisoo is on the way.

"KIM JISOO! PICK UP YOUR ASS AND COME HERE!" I shouted out loud in the window.

"W-wait!" She sluttered out and opened my house door with her mumbling a "fuck". Such a dirty mouth. Her fingers going through her wet hair because it's on the way and I can see that her forehead creased.

I opened the car door for her and she went in without looking at my eyes or even saying a "thank you" at me. I just ignored it and I started the engine but my eyes were still on her bare legs. Why did she wear such a very short shorts?! I cursed at myself mentally and tried my best to distract myself from her legs. Her legs are torturing me.

"Why are you such in a hurry? It's only like 6am." She started the conversation, playing with her wet hair. God, she looks so good in her wet look. I mentally slapped myself. Oh gosh. I am turning into a pervert.

"I have exams at 6:30! And I think I'm gonna fucking fail it." I stressfully said, running my right hand on my hair while my left was on the steering wheel.

I felt her hand touched my bare shoulder because I'm wearing an off shoulder dress and I can't stop myself from gasping at her touch.

"Love, you are gonna ace your exams today. You studied all week. Have some confidence." I admit that I like it when she calls me Babe or Baby but when it comes to Love, it gives a different vibe.

I genuinely smiled, "Thanks." I don't know why but I can't call her sweet endearments but right now, I want to stop the car and kiss her.

"You're always welcome, Babe." She said as she reached out to switch the radio.

Thank u, next by Ariana Grande immediately met my ears and I can't help but sing along. I can feel eyes boring into my face, or may I say lips. Of course, only two persons are here in the car and that's me and Jisoo. Who else would stare at me but Jisoo?

"Do I have a dirt on my face?" I side glance her as I asked.

She blushed and looked away which I found cute. I smirked while giving her side glances. Her ears were so red and she kept on staring outside.

"You don't have a dirt on your face. I just thought that your voice were like an Angel's." Because of what she said, it's my turn to blush.

"You and your sweet words, Kim Jisoo." I whispered as I park the car. As I look at my watch, I noticed that I only have 8 minutes left to get into my class.

I was about to open the door but Jisoo stopped me. I looked at her confused and gave her a what-the-fuck-do-you-want look.

"Give me a kiss first." She whispered, looking at my lips then back at my eyes.

I didn't hesitate because I will be late for my next class so I gave her a peck. "Sorry, Jichu. I'm in a hurry. I'll kiss you again later." I said as I quickly get out of the car.

I glanced back at Jisoo and saw her touching her lips with a smile on her face. What a sweet weirdo, I thought then I chuckled.


10 minutes in my exam and I was about to explode. You know why? My fucking seatmate keeps on poking me or kicking my chair and I swear to God, I am almost at my limit.

I think I know why he keeps on bothering me because he didn't study for the exam and being a straight A student I was, he was hoping that I will give him answers.

This exam is an hour lang and as I glanced at his testpaper, he only wrote his name. Pathetic bastard. Only knows how to party and get wasted.

Jisoo was right about one thing though. I did ace my exam and three more questions and I am done.

I glanced at my seatmate and saw that he was already looking at me with that annoyed look on his face because I still didn't give him answers.

So I got up with a smile on my face and that gave him hope that I will let him copy my answers. But nope, I walked passed him and gave my testpaper to Ms. Hye Jin, our very young and sexy professor.

She gave me a look and smiled, "It's only been 15 minutes and you are already done. I am amazed." She said. I mouthed a "thank you" and before I could get out of the classroom, I glanced at my bastard seatmate and saw that his mouth were wide open because of shock.

I smirked at him before walking away and that made him more annoyed. He should have studied, dumb fucker. Only knows how to fuck girls. One more exam and I am good to go.


I stretched my arms while walking towards my locker. I noticed that Jisoo was leaning on my locker while staring at me, seductively. I think she's eye raping me.

My exams are over and I couldn't be more happy. I can't wait to graduate college.

I sleepily rubbed my eyes and when I opened it, Kim Jisoo was on my face. She is only like 1 inch apart from me. What is she? A ninja?

"Hey, Love. How was your exam?" She asked, grabbing my hand which gave me sparks. I looked around to see if someone was watching. When I saw that no one was, I quickly grabbed her waist and led her to the bathroom.

I opened a cubicle and pushed her there. I closed the cubicle and I can see in her eyes forming lust and love at the same time.

"It went great, actually. And I think I owe you a kiss, right?" I whispered at her ear and I can tell that my breath gave her goosebumps.

"Yes." She said, grabbing my waist closer to hers.

"Beg for it." I started biting and licking her earlobe softly and I can feel her breath hitched.

Without her having second thoughts, she said, "Kiss me, Jennie Kim."

I pushed myself away from her and crashed my lips to hers, hearing her moans.

And suddenly, all you can hear on the background are our moans.

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