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Jisoo's POV

Can I just say that my future wife's moan is so hot and at the same time, cute? I want to record it and put it into ringtone or something. Is that weird?

"We're here guys, get off." Jennie said as she parked the car in the parking lot, in front of the mall. This is gonna be a long day.

Lisa and Chaeyoung are classmates so they will have the same color of their gowns which is black. When Jennie heard that theirs were black, she kept on complaining about that on the road, wishing that her class should have been the one who got that color.

Don't tell me that there's a color white too. They will look like a bride ready to get married.

Lisa and Chaeyoung are on the 11th grade while me and Jennie are 12th. I was supposed to be in college right now but I failed one subject and got pushed back. Lucky me.

All of us got off and started stretching our arms and backs. If you guys are asking, this is the third mall we've been to. We've already finished two malls and yet, we still didn't find anything. In short, we are so choosy.

It's already 1:22pm and we still haven't had lunch. All we had in our minds are gowns that we forgot to eat.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" I asked while I snaked my arm around Jennie's waist. If I didn't check my phone earlier, we would still have been searching for gowns right now. Like seriously.

"Shakey's?" Lisa suggested. I'm in no mood to eat pizza right now and the last time I saw Jennie eat pizza, she only ate three pizzas and after that, she doesn't want to eat it anymore. Doesn't she like pizza? I wonder what happened.

I started glancing around to look for restaurants, then one restaurant caught my eyes. I stopped walking, making Jen and the others to stop too.

"What's wrong, Jisoo?" Jennie asked while she glanced at me with a frown on her face.

I pointed at the restaurant and smiled. "Let's eat there!" I said happily. I was shocked because I didn't think that there will be any Jollibee here but what do you know?

 I was shocked because I didn't think that there will be any Jollibee here but what do you know?

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The restaurant is called Jollibee and it originated from Philippines. My filipino friend brought me to Jollibee once and I loved it.

"Jollibee?" Chaeyoung asked in confusion. Chaeyoung turned her head to face me and asked in a weird tone, "Like a jolly bee?" Then both Lisa and Chaeyoung chuckled to each other.

The name of the restaurant is weird alright but I love their spaghetti and palabok. Their chicken too! You know what, I love every food they have.

I started dragging the three of them to Jollibee. Well, I only dragged two because Chaeyoung is curious about Jollibee so she didn't hesitate to follow me. This girl eats a lot. She loves food more than anything. Well, except Lisa. So I'm curious how she maintains her body like that. Like damn, have you seen her butt? And her curves? And her abs?! Okay, Kim Jisoo. Shut up because you have a girlfriend. Okay, okay.

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